Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

        “So, how do you know about my jogging errands?” I asked Ky. We were currently at the coffee shop after our 5-mile jog.

He handed me a cup of coffee. “I saw you passed by the house one morning actually.”

“I don’t really think my footsteps outside could be heard from your mansion,” I questioned.

“I know that. I got drunk once and passed out outside our house. Then I saw you jog,” he replied.

What? He passed out? Woah. I knew Ky was a drinker but I also knew he could control it and he had a strong tolerance for alcohol. He must have an explainable reason why he drank too much alcohol. “How come I didn’t see you? I mean I always look around every time I jog, I love looking at the view.”

“The bushes hid my identity.”

Throwing my head back, I laughed. “You slept by the bushes? Jeez, I should’ve stopped by your house for that. It could’ve made my day.”

“It would?” he quirked his eyebrow.

“Yeah, I mean, I know you’re not the type of a drunk guy who passes out beside bushes. That’s not you,” I said.

“Well, there’s always a first for everything,” he shrugged, drinking his coffee. I nodded and I couldn’t help but agree with him.

“So, how are you and Kace?” he asked casually.

“We’re good actually. He took me out to this cheese bistro last night,” I replied.

I found him frowning but it was quickly replaced by a small forced smile. “I heard.”

An awkward silence followed. I cleared my throat, “So-uh have you been there before?” I asked.

“I have been there a couple of times. My bud’s family owns the place. The whole family in their clan has a talent in kitchen. Every single one knows how to cook,” he replied.

“Wow. I should have brought you with me, you know, for a discount,” I joked, chuckling slightly.

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “I could bring you there anytime. All you have to do is ask,” he said, his tone serious.

My chuckles turned to stop, “I was just joking.”

“I was too,” he replied seriously.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. But was it relief, really? Why did I have a strong feeling he wasn’t kidding at all and worse, I didn’t even want him to?


I got home smiling. Keither gave me a weird look, “Why the heck are you smiling? You look weird.”

“What? I’m always smiling,” I gave him a pointed look.

“You smile but not really as smiling as you look right now. You smile like the cat in Alice in Wonderland. It’s honestly creepy. What happened to you anyway?” he asked, drinking his OJ.

 “Nothing,” I replied, shaking my head in denial. “I’m just in the mood to be happy today.”

“Pft, like I’d f*cking believe that,” he snorted. “Honestly Kait, you look like you saw someone you really like. I know that look because I do that when I see Belly every single time.”

I stiffened, my eyes looking at him intently. Someone I like? I don’t have feelings for Ky again, do I? Crap, I’m sure I know I don’t like him anymore. Or do I still do?

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