Chapter 7: Blood Stained Tears

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Morning came quickly for the Pastor, Levi and Morrigan, having already been up for some time as they sat at a table in the stables. The storm from the night before had produced a large effort by soldiers the clear the roads, making it easier for pedestrians to walk around the town safely. There were a few Military Police and some Scouting soldiers sitting around as well. They were mumbling about how peaceful it was for there being an attack.

"Hey Rivaille! Where's our prey?" A Military Police member asked, causing Levi to turn around.

"It sounds like you regret how peaceful it is here. Sorry for not providing you with a hot Titan date." Levi answered sarcastically.

"You guys are out of luck at the moment but you know, there are always opportunities to go outside the walls for a scouting expedition." Morrigan said, looking at the three cocky soldiers. Her voice wasn't very cheerful like it normally was. "So why don't we all join forces? We would probably get a lot more done." She added.

"Well...umm...we have plenty of work to do inland so..."

"THE VANGUARD IS BACK!" Someone yelled, running down a corridor toward the small group. "Someone inform Commander Pixis!" He added, causing someone to stand up and make their way toward where, Morrigan assumed, Pixis was.

"Come on." Levi said, standing from his seat. "We need to see what information has been found out."

Morrigan stood up as well making her way beside the him. "Rivaille?"

"What about it?"

"That name doesn't really suit you."

"Why not?"

"Well, if I'm correct it means 'adhesion'. If anything your attitude breaks up relationships with people." Morrigan was being sarcastic but Levi, unknowingly to himself, took it very literally. "But, your actions on the other hand, do more than create good relationships." Morrigan added, as if she realized she had hurt the Corporal. They had met up with Erwin and Pixis, who were being briefed about the situation the vanguard had encountered.

"Sir," the frightened soldier said, "we found no breaches along the wall but there is still a grave situation sir. When we were at the Trost district to deliver our report we encountered Squad Leader Hanji and the 104th trainee squad. Many of them didn't have their maneuvering gear. But, stranger yet, it turned out that three of them were Titans!"

Chaos ensued in the area. One soldier lunged at the guy saying, "What are you talking about!? There are more Titans among them?! Who!?"

"Jean calm down." Erwin said, placing an arm in front of him as a barrier to stop him from getting closer to the poor soldier. "Soldier, what happened after they exposed themselves?"

"The Scouting Legion engaged battle with the Colossal and Armoured Titan but when we got there it was already too late. In the end, Eren and another soldier as taken by the two. We were too late to save anyone and there are a lot of people injured."

"Scouting Legion! Prepare to move to Trost!" Erwin yelled before the boy went any further, if he had anything to say.

Morrigan didn't need any further encouragement, making her way to the stables to get Orion ready to leave.


"This is starting to get annoying." Morrigan said as her, Levi and the Pastor were once again sitting in a Regiment building. "I didn't come here to be a babysitter."

"Now you know how I feel." Levi said glancing over at the Pastor, who was continuing to keep silent. "I'm perfectly fine but they think it's impossible for me to be healed already."

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