Chapter 11: Torture

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Warning: This chapter has some violence, mentioning of blood and behaviour that some people may not be comfortable reading about, as the title may suggest. I tried not to make it too descriptive if people are sensitive about topics like that.



Levi never mentioned what happened at the lake to Morrigan. When the Fomor disappeared, he waited for sometime and when her features began to return he hid away in the bushes around the lake. Interestingly enough, Morrigan never mentioned anything to Levi either. To Levi, it seemed Morrigan didn't even know that he was there. The group spent a couple more weeks at the house until they received instructions from Erwin to move out of the house. Godo thing too, because they most likely would have been captured by the Military Police if they hadn't. They raided the house that very night.

The group started making their way to the meeting place in Trost District. Unfortunately things didn't go as smoothly they had hoped.

"Hey! Aren't you Levi!?" Someone yelled as the Squad made their way down the road.

"It really is! He's tiny, not what I expected for humanities strongest soldier." Some said, muttering the last part to possibly not offend someone he knows could take him out without a problem.

People began crowding around the group causing Levi to obviously be annoyed. "You're in the way." He said without any emotion showing on his face.

"Mr. Captain, please wait! We missed a lot of work because of that evacuation plan of yours. It's not just us either. No one will come by the Wall anymore and if we can't make money, we can't eat." The first man that spoke said. He, like most other full grown men, towered over Levi.

"The Garrison also left and in their place, robbers came in." Another man added, who must of been a butcher of some type because of what he was wearing. "And to boot, taxes are higher than ever! Why are the Titans attacking over and over again?!"

"I know why!" Someone else yelled. "It's because the Scouting Legion isn't doing their job properly!"

"Exactly." The butcher continued. "My business works that if I don't earn money, it's my fault. But you guys are different. You can eat even without showing a glimpse of result. And look at you now, walking down the street all high and mighty on a shopping trip."

"And bringing women along too!" A man said, obviously somewhat drunk as he made his way closer to Morrigan. "You are sure sitting pretty." Morrigan would not have survived very long in these parts if they hadn't given her a blonde wig to wear. Many people in this area hated the Celtics and would do anything to get their hands on anyone to try and drive them out.

"Now, why don't you just leave your money and go. After all, the Survey Corps have taken more than they deserve." The butcher added. Morrigan looked at Levi, to see if she could figure out what he was thinking. She noticed he wasn't even looking towards the man that was threatening him. Instead, he was looking at a fragile looking women holding an incredibly young child by one of the stores. Her face had a smirk, like she knew something was going to happen.

"Watch out!" Levi yelled

"What are you talking about?!" A man said, grabbing Levi and was prepared to fight him.

"A wagon is rushing over!" Levi said.

"Eren! Christa!" Potato girl yelled. "They got captured again!?"


"So how about it? Let me hear that voice of yours." A middle aged man said, his arms around Christa as she was tied to a chair. "How about it?" One hand moved to her chest as the other moved to her face, trying to force it in the direction of his own. "I want to hear a cute girls voice. C'mon." Eren only looked away, not really knowing what to do since he was tied up as well.

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