I woke up in a windowless room tied, at the ankles, to a bed. In the center of the room sat a chair; not like your standard dining room chair, but a dentist's chair.

Where's the door I miss you.

Why won't you let me come with you- there's the smell, a scent I grew to love, 'cause it told me you were coming. it always makes me sleepy but that's okay.

When I woke back up someone was there. I wasn't on the bed anymore I was in the chair. I was really scared at the time I guess i'm just shy like that. I don't like meeting new people....

Do you know how my parents are? Never mind you told me not to ask. Anyways, It was you I didn't know at the time but I loved you from the moment I saw you, even with my vision blurred. You're so pretty when you're blurry. Am I pretty? I don't know what I look like any more, can you bring me a mirror? Do you love me you never say? I love You. Have I told you that yet? My first time you were so gentle. I didn't want you then but you felt great. I love when you visit me. How long have I been here? If you let me come with you I promise I won't leave.

Why did you pick me I'm not good enough for you. It's fine if you want to just leave me here it's fine. I love you. It's been a week I think. I'm not sure i can't tell i know it's been awhile but... I miss you I don't know how long i've been here how long you've been gone. I... I miss you. You used to hurt me but I know why now I was bad. Thank you for allowing me a pencil and paper I was forgetting how to write I remember liking to write stories. I don't know how to draw five years of art school down the drain i was top of the class i don't ... I can't paint. How long have I been here.

you told me not to run. i didn't listen. you let me out of the chair. I scrambled out try to find a way to escape. you had to punish me. please come back. you picked me up, strapped me back in and held something over my face the smell was back and you where gone. why do you leave me. I love you come back.

I remember your birthday or at least you said it was your birthday. I don't know but you wouldn't lie to me... would you. you spent a whole week with me. whens my birthday i don't remember. can you stay with me on my birthday. I found a poem from the first time you let me have paper and a pencil it's sad I don't know why it's so sad

help never comes

not when you want it at least

it comes when you think you're fine

or after you've deceased

it might not help at all

if they don't understand

you're about to fall

and there's no helping hand

you have a broken spirit

and with themselves in mind

they give you what is best

you're best is hard to find

you just need to rest

they thank that you'll be fine

you have failed the test

the test is in your mind

I don't thank it's finished my handwriting has gotten much better. I wish you would come back..


your love

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