I need you have they found you yet you've been alone so long, no food, no water you... you're going to die what have they done. i ...i never even got to tell.... No stop you're not going to .... It's just a stupid.... Don't not here... not with these people .... prison is no place to cry... it was just a misunderstanding... i didn't you ran away ... it's not my fault. who am I kidding it was definitely my fault the signs of struggle ...you love me now... isn't that all that matters I never hu... yes i did but that was so long ago.... does it even matter now. I want to help but I don't know how .babe i ... I'll get you out of their even if i won't ever be able to see you again. I don't know what to do I just want you to know...why can't I talk to you if we want each other.than why can't we be together it's none of their business how we met. I meen it is but... how old are you I never even checked. Oh god what have I done .They're calling me I must go i'll tell them to save you. I love you.


your love

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