Prologue: My Acting Skills

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It's just so simple to take a stranger's life, you don't know them, they don't know you.

Hell, I don't even know myself.

So why should I be bothered?


I closed my eyes and took in a few deep breaths, savoring the intoxicating coffee-laced, chilly morning air while contemplating the joy of another day starting.

The sun was shining brightly, making my honey blonde hair look yellow. From under the café patio umbrella I was lounging at, I can see the busy morning street, teeming with people wearing various forms of dresses, coats and jacket.

Some were hurrying, some were leisurely walking towards their destination. I smiled at the old lady who passed by, thanked the waiter who asked if wanted a refill for my now lukewarm coffee, watch the group of men near the counter drinking coffee and speaking to each other in hush voices, opened the magazine lying down my table, read the news and pour through the cover story of some celebrity lamenting about her lost car.

But my real interest lies somewhere else.

My phone rang shrilly. I pulled it out of jacket pocket and pressed it against my ear.

"Goodmorning Sweety, how's your day starting?" Greeted the mellow voice from the other line.

"Just fine Dad."

"So how's the school project going?" he continued.

I looked up absentmindedly as one of the group of men near the front goes over the counter to order something.

"Slow, but I'll finish it in no time I'm sure of it, don't worry too much Dad." I intoned as I watched the man instructs the barista on what he wanted then goes back to his chair. 

"Good, good. I'm sure you'll do brilliant, you have never once failed me."

Of course I never fail.

"I gotta go Dad, project's gonna start." I ended call and slid back the phone inside my pocket. Then I stooup too and went over the counter to order the special today displayed in colorful chalks in the chalkboard stand outside.

The Barista smiles staring at my eyes, “Is that blue or green?” he asked as he took in my order.

“Blue,” I replied with a smile.

“It looks gorgeous,” he remarked, “What’s your name sweetheart?”

I flashed him another winner, “Gemma, and why thank you.”

I went back to my seat. Couple of minutes later, the bell pinged and the barista called the man before me, he stood up to get his order.

Then another ping, my name was called. I stood up lithely and walked over to get my order.

I took my latte from the counter then started to walk back to my chair, my mind changed mid-way and I spun around to order something solid,

The instant I turned around I didn’t realize the man was behind me and was about to return to his seat, my latte sloshed over to his pristine white long-sleeves, creating a brown map-like stain in his clothes.

“Oh my God! I am so sorry! I didn’t see you!” I apologised profusely, I put down my latte and hastily produced from my bag a handkerchief to wipe the stain. He waved my hand away and took out his own navy blue handkerchief from his pocket and began to wipe the stain, only spreading it even more.

For Hire (NaNoWriMo13)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora