VII: Lesson Learned

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If there’s one thing going on my mind while I reel back to avoid the lashing kick, it goes on like this: ‘How the hell can he stand wearing such clothes in this heat?’

Pain shoots in the middle of my spine, I fall down on my knees with a small whimper.

I gingerly stand up while keeping an eye at my nemesis. He stands about two feet away from me, doing nothing. Just standing there as if waiting for the right time to chop me up.

“You know what,” I pant as I straighten up, “I really love to take you right here and right now. But I’m not stupid nor reckless.”

Admitting that I’m in no condition to fight him is a kick on my pride. However I’m not stupid enough to keep up appearances, we both know I’m not looking so hot at the moment. I know when it’s the time to take a stand and the time to pick up my wits and run.

I start to take a step backwards.

“So…sometime maybe?” Our distance lengthens, I brace my leg for a hell of a run I am going to make, “It’s a date?”

I watch his legs tense and twitch.

Then I run, and leap to the next house. I hear his feet crunch on the roof as he pursues me.

I rip the skirt of my dress and throw it backwards. I’m about to jump again to another house, but I stumble backwards as bullets whiz upwards and almost cut through my face. Damn, I thought they wanted me alive!

“Don’t let her get away no matter what!”

“Sir! There are two of them!”

“I don’t care how many are they! Get. Them!”

I pull back from jumping the gap and turn to where I came from, but found that the masked guy is already blocking it.

Guess there isn’t really any choice for me.

I run at the bastard, and plow him down.

I clamber at his back, wrap my legs around his torso and pull him into a headlock. I ignore the indescribable hot pain the roof causes at my thighs. He jabs me with his elbows at the ribs over and over again until I can barely contain it. He manages to get out of my headlock and then he flips and tries to straddle me. Before he can pin me down, I raise my legs and wrap it around his torso, he tries to get out of it but I tighten my legs and force him close to me. The sun’s glare affects my visions and I narrowly evade by twisting my upper body sideways as his fist comes rushing down and it hits the roof instead. I grab hold of his nape and force his head down and then I roll him side-wards so he’s now under me.  I raise my fists and pummel him and then he raises his arms to guard his face. He raises his elbows and with a burst of speed hit me on both sides of my head, I evade by scrambling backwards, ignoring the intense hit of the roof that feels as if it’s flaying my skin.

As I stand up, I see him run at me in full speed and aim an upward kick to my chin. I bend backwards, narrowly saving my chin from getting split open. As I bend I continue it into a back flip and my foot hits his chin instead. He stumbles backwards, shaking his head. Then with sheer force I run, jump, ride on his shoulders and wrap my legs around his neck and I bend backwards flipping him in the air. He lands face first on the roof.


I push my hair out of my face and twist around towards the voice. One of the FBIs, appears about two feet away from me with his gun darting from the masked guy who is still lying on his stomach, to me.

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