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Harry and I have been married for just over a year, it's gotten to the point where we argue about adoption, of course I want kids, but I think we might be a little young. But he did explain good points, and I caved.

Dammit Harry, why do you have to manipulate me so much? You confuse me in ways that nothing has ever confused me before.

She is to be here in 2 weeks, we adopted right after birth, but we were lucky we even got her because adoption centers are usually biased towards gay people.
We were on our way to the airport, no she isn't foreign, she just lived on the other side of the country.

When the plane landed someone carried her off, she was heart melting, I'll give Harry that.

When we were in the adoption process we decided to name the baby Harmony, more like Harry chose the name. He pestered me about it for awhile, it was kinda cute actually.

Harry gasped when he saw the baby, this is our first time seeing her, so I was exited too.

"Harry? Draco?" The woman asked us.

"Yes! That's us!" Harry squealed.

"Here is Harmony!" The woman said.
Harmony is now one! She is so adorable. Harry insisted we give her a first birthday party, I find it pointless because the only people that are coming to see us are Ron, Hermione, their baby, and Blaise. But Harry figured Harmony needed "social interaction" and so he bought part decorations, candy, presents, stuff for party games, and more.

"Harry, how is a one year old supposed to play pin the tail on the donkey?" I asked.

"We're going to help her." Harry said

"Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of pin the tail on the donkey though?"

"It's just for fun."

"Whatever." I mumbled under my breath.

The party was actually pretty fun, I got to hang out with Blaise. Harry was talking with Ron and Hermione and the babies were staring at each other.
Harmony is 5 now and she is starting to make a few more friends, she doesn't mind having two dads, but Harry and I are starting to get worried about if she will later on, and we have no idea about what to do if she starts... Maturing. Yeah, that's he best way to put it.

"Daddy Draco?" She asked in a small voice.

"What, love?" I asked.

"Is it okay if I have a friend over tomorrow?"

"Well, who is it?"

"It's Meredith from pre-school."

"You'll have to ask daddy Harry."

She smiled because she knew Harry would say yes and ran off to Harry.
"Hey, why do you have two dads? Aren't parents supposed to be a boy and a girl?" Meredith asked Harmony.

"No, people can have two dads. What's wrong with that?" Harmony answered getting a bit defensive for a five year old.

"Well, it's not normal for people to have two dads, that makes you weird."

"I'm not weird! Stop it, there's nothing wrong with me!" Harmony yelled.

Harry heard and stopped kissing me, he ran into the room where Harmony and Meredith were and, intrigued, I followed.

"What wrong?" Harry asked a crying Harmony and petting her hair.

"Meredith says I'm weird because I have two dads." She sobbed into Harry's shoulder.

I was leaning on the doorway and looked sympathetic, I felt bad for harmony because she shouldn't have to be punished for our lifestyle.

But, they're only 5, they don't know much yet.
Now Harmony is 8, she is starting to wonder why she has two dads. She is getting older, so she is learning that people usually have a mom and a dad, but she hasn't gotten to the point where she is asking too many questions about it.
Harmony is 10 and she is now starting to ask questions about why me and Harry are together and why we can't be normal and other things like that.

Because of that me and Harry haven't spent much... intimate... time together.

She isn't getting picked on at school, which is good, but I think she is ashamed of us, which is bad.
Harmony is 11 and just got her letter to Hogwarts! We are so proud of her, but she looked at us as though we were crazy when we said she had to run through a wall to get to platform 9 3/4.

"Dad, that's not how science works you can't just 'run through a wall and get on some platform' it's impossible." She said.

"Harmony, this is magic. You just have to go with the flow." I answered.

And that was the day I realized my daughter was a success, that was the day I realized she was growing up, and she was growing up fast.
In the seventh year she decided to become a Hogwarts teacher for potions. She must have gotten my knack for potions because she definitely did not get Harry's potions talent.

And did I mention she got put into Slytherin? She's not evil like I was in my Hogwarts years, but you can tell she was definitely raised by my sense of discipline.

I can't believe that Harry and I have helped shape this intelligent woman into the person she is, we are truly proud of her, and we are truly happy.
Ok, so me and my friend Sam were in a store, and my birthday is on Saturday (April 30th) and she bought me my first Pop! Vinyl figure... It gets better. It's Draco... I love it so much.

And sorry for the short chapter! I couldn't think, but I knew I had to update this

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And sorry for the short chapter! I couldn't think, but I knew I had to update this.

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