•Part 1•

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I was overcome with fear as soon as I woke up. I hid underneath the covers like I used to do when I was a kid, and curled up into a ball to think.

I had been kidnapped.

My kidnapper was a serial killer.

And his name was the Dollhouse Murderer.

Well fuck.

I heard a lock being turned, and I slowly poked my head out of the sheets. Looking up, I saw cellar doors that I hadn't noticed before. As they opened, the stars shined around the mans silhouette. He disappeared for a second and came back with a ladder.

I hid back under the covers, not wanting to see his face. The ladder steps creaked with each step he took, my heart beating faster and faster the closer he got to me.

The next thing I hear is silence. I sat still for a few seconds, trying to listen for anything that give me a clue as to where he was.

Once again, I peeped my eyes out from the sheets, only to see his face right in front of me, and he whispered,


I screamed. He clamped his hand over my mouth, trying to keep me quiet. His eyes were darting around the room, and he seemed very attentive to all the noises outside.

Soon enough he calmed down and sighed one of those very content sighs. He looked up at me and put a finger over his mouth, going "shhh", before nodding. Taking his hand slowly off my mouth, he walked over towards the cellar doors and peered out into the darkness.

I was too scared to make a single sound, thinking that even my heavy breathing was too loud. He came back down the ladder and turned to me.

"Welcome to your new home!" He cheered, clapping his hands very excitedly. "What to do first, what to do..." He walked around the small room, eyebrows furrowed, looking for anything he could possibly show me.

"Ah hah!" He pulled open a drawer, pulling out something that looked like a knife. "You see this? This is what will be used if you don't follow my rules." He showed me the full thing and I realized it was a mini saw, rusted with old age and stained with what looked like blood. My eyes widened, and I nodded very quickly.

"Good. Now that we have that established, I need to tell you the rules." He walked over to me and kneeled beside the bed. Taking my hand out of the dingy sheets, he held it between both of his. "Rule number one; you will do anything and everything I say. Rule number two; do not scream for help, no one can hear you out here." He looked up from our hands and into my eyes. "Rule number three; Do. Not. Try. To. Escape." He said the last words very slowly.

He then clapped his hands and jumped up.

"Ok, that's it." He looked around once more, then turned back to me. "Well, I hope you have fun in your new home." He walked backward towards the ladder. "Because you're going to be here until you die." A sinister smile made its way across his lips.

Ascending the ladder, he peeked his head one more time. "Too-da-loo!" He waved his fingers.

He shut the cellar doors, leaving me enclosed in darkness.

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