A Simple Memory

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The Kingdom of Arendelle, 1829)

"Elsa, make me a snowman!" her little sister Anna begged, her bluish green eyes bright with excitement.

"Ah, I suppose I can..." the eight year old replied, giving the younger girl a small smile. She didn't even bother to say no, because she knew her little sister wouldn't give up until she got her snowman.

And besides, Elsa loved to use her powers. She and Anna always had so much fun playing in the snow and skating around on the ice.

Little Anna watched in awe and delight as delicate snow flakes started to slowly turn and twirl around her sister's pale fingers.

The light haired girl's smile grew, and she moved her hand forward. Suddenly, the snow flakes flew at a faster rate from her fingertips, turning into a small flurry.

A scrawny thirteen year old boy ducked under a nearby tree and was about to walk past the two girls then, a hefty cloth bag in tow. But then... he witnessed the magic that was taking place right in front of him. Even though he was trying to keep quiet, he gasped in shock, dropping his bag.

The younger girl didn't notice at all, too busy watching her older sister create. But the older girl noticed the odd noises almost immediately, her head spinning back towards the sound. The flurry stopped, and her little sister let out an annoyed little whimper.

"Ah Elsa, why did you stop?!" The little girl whined, her face turning into a pout. But it didn't take her long to notice her sister's tense expression, and the odd looking stranger under the tree.

The older of the two turned her attention back to her sister for a moment. "Stay back, Anna." the light haired girl advised before turning back to the teenager.

"Um..." the boy threw his hands up, giving the girl a nervous smile and a shaky laugh. "Please don't hurt me..."

"I won't hurt you." The girl assured, looking up at the older boy. "Who are you, though?"

"Uh... Um..." the boy stammered, his face turning a bit red. He really didn't want to tell them his real name, it was so embarrassing.

But then... the perfect name popped into his mind. The name of his favorite storybook hero, Flynnigan Rider. It was perfect.

"Ah yes, my name, right." the boy cleared his throat, trying to stand up straighter. "It's Flynn. Flynn Rider." he tried to put on the best confident smile he could. He hoped it was believable, and that he wouldn't end up looking like a doofus.

"Oh, that's a cool name! I wish I had a name like that!" Anna piped in happily, bouncing up and down a bit.

Elsa couldn't help but feel oddly suspicious of it, though. The name sounded familiar, she could have sworn she had seen a name just like it in a storybook once. But she didn't point that out, not wanting to be rude.

Eugene was quite relieved, the two girls didn't seem to suspect a thing. That's when he noticed a colorful blanket by them on the grass... and on top of that, a weaved picnic basket. He could already smell the tasty treats inside... his stomach growled with hunger. He hadn't eaten in days.

"Are you guys having a picnic...?" he asked awkwardly, pointing to the basket.

"Yes, we are, actually..." the oldest girl answered with a small nod.

"The cooks even made macaroons and chocolate cookies for us!" the younger girl spoke excitedly, her mind taken off the snowman at the mention of food.

"Wow... that sure sounds good..." the young thief sighed wistfully, looking sadly down at the picnic basket. 

The Enchantress and The Storyteller (A Elsa x Eugene story)Where stories live. Discover now