A Simple Memory II

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Elsa noticed the boy's sad expression as he looked down at the picnic basket, and she immediately felt sorry for him. Her mother had once told her that not everyone was as fortunate as they were and had food to eat everyday, and he looked awfully thin. Elsa wondered if perhaps Flynn was one of those people her mother had told her about.

"You can eat with us, if you want..." the girl offered, giving the older boy a small, sympathetic smile.

"Oh wow, you'd let me eat with you?" he was honestly a bit surprised... just judging by the way these girls were dressed, they seemed to be fairly well off. No one had ever been so nice to him before besides some of the other children at the orphanage.

"Sure, I don't see why not." the blonde girl said with a shrug, and sat down on the blanket. Anna sat down as well, still bouncing slightly and clearly ready to start eating.

Eugene hesitated for a moment... this was just surreal. Just minutes ago, he had been being pursued by guardsmen and running through the busy city square to get them off his back, and now he was here, about to eat lunch with two rich kids.

He finally sat down though, but with his long legs he took up much of the blanket and he felt awkward. Sometimes he really hated this growth spurt he had gotten.

Elsa opened the picnic basket, and Anna immediately reached for the sweets. But Elsa gently batted her hand away.

"Not yet, Anna. We need to eat our sandwiches first." the older girl pointed out.

"Ok..." the younger girl sighed, disappointed. But when she was handed a sandwich, she took a bite anyway without a fuss. She was clearly hungry enough to not be disappointed for long.

There were only two sandwiches, but Eugene said nothing. Elsa noticed also though, and she broke her sandwich in half.

"Here, you can have this." the girl told him, handing him the other half.

"Thanks..." the boy said softly, happily taking the sandwich. He took a big bite, and found the taste a bit odd at first. It seemed to have cucumbers, spinach, and sort of fish. But he was so starving that he didn't even care. He took a few more big bites of the sandwich half, and he finished within a matter of seconds.

"Wow, you eat fast!" little Anna looked at the older boy in awe, her eyes wide. "Mama says you shouldn't eat fast, or else you'll get a tummy ache."

"Be nice, Anna." Elsa gently cautioned, taking a delicate bite of her own sandwich.

"So Flynn...where are you from? I've never seen you before any of the times we've visited the city..." she asked casually, feeling curious.

"I'm from a different kingdom, that's probably why you haven't seen me." the boy answered her question, picking at and eating the left over crusts Anna hadn't eaten on her own sandwich.

Elsa asked another question, scooting a bit closer to the older boy and looking up at him in interest.

"Oh, how interesting. What kingdom are you from, Flynn?"

"I'm from Corona." the boy said with a shrug. "No place exciting."

"Hey... our aunt and uncle live in Corona!" Anna interjected, becoming curious about the stranger now as well.

But Eugene had also become interested in the two girls... Elsa in particular. He decided to ask a question of his own.

"Say, Elsa... I know this is kind of weird to ask, but... can you do magic?"

There was an awkward silence for a moment, and Eugene wondered if he had done something wrong. But Elsa smiled after a few moments, her lovely azure colored eyes lighting up with pride.

"Yes, I can." the girl nodded, "I can make ice and snow, just by thinking about it... I've always been able to do that."

"She can make snow men!" Anna said happily, curling up next to her sister. "Elsa makes the best snow men ever."

"Wow, that's amazi-" suddenly, Eugene heard a familiar sound, one that made his blood run cold. Horses. All the color left the boy's face, and Elsa looked at him with concern.

"Flynn...?" the girl asked softly, seeing the fear in his eyes, "What's wrong...?"

Suddenly, the girl's parents ran out from up the hill, and Eugene could tell they were royalty immediately.

This can't be happening, the boy thought in a panic, this can't be happening right now.

"Father?" Elsa cried, holding her little sister close. "What's going on...?"

King Agðar grabbed his little girls, a slight look of concern on his normally calm, collected looking features. Elsa then noticed her mother, who was looking at the boy, Flynn, with a mixture of fear and protective rage.

"Girls, that boy is a wanted criminal." The king spoke fast, giving the boy a stern, ireful look. "Get inside, quickly now."

Before the girls had time to object, he had started to push them towards the door, their mother following them close behind. Elsa peeked back, and the boy had already started running for dear life. But two armored men on white horses stopped in his tracks and grabbed the boy, hooking his hands together with heavy chains and dragged him away.

Eugene tried to fight, but he was severely outmatched. He gave up, and he cried bitterly, hot tears rolling down his now colorless face. He looked back at Elsa... and he saw that she too had started to cry, her bright blue eyes glossy and glistening with tears.

Those blue eyes would haunt Eugene for the rest of his life.

The Enchantress and The Storyteller (A Elsa x Eugene story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن