Chapter 2

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Zelton Slavarien paced his quarters aboard the Tangipahoa.  They’d followed  the flagship Dremel for three weeks, staying just beyond sensor range.  Not that it mattered; he knew the Dremel’s destination.


Princess Dayanara was there along with his traitorous wife, Margareta.  Soon now, he would have both within his grasp.  He felt himself harden in anticipation of seeing Margareta again.  He’d spent the last twenty-four years searching for them.  The bitch would not escape him this time.

He laughed.  Who would have thought Margareta had enough courage to take refuge on such a backward planet?  But she had….

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined her having any backbone.  She’d proved him wrong.  Too bad.  He would have treated her differently had he known.  No matter, soon he would have her back.  Then with Dayanara dead, and his wife back by his side, chained if need be, he would be king.

Even now, Slavarien received word they had entered Earth’s orbit.  TheTangipahoa slowed as he gave the orders to approach on the other side of the planet’s moon.  He could afford to take his time.  His spy on the flagship told him Captain Coridian was going after the girl alone.  His men would follow, discreetly, kill Dayanara and bring Margareta to him.

He gazed at his personal view screen, watching as they approached the dark side of the moon.  Things were progressing as planned.  His spy did not know Margareta’s location, but he had managed to place a tracker on that fool, Coridian.  The nanobots were virtually undetectable.  Now all he had to do was wait for Coridian to lead him to his prey.  His traitorous bride and her niece.

“Senator Slavarien.”  The voice of the ship’s commander from the wall communicator interrupted his reverie.

“What?”  He closed his eyes, clearing his mind.  That he had to suffer the ineptitude of this captain gave him a headache.  But he had no choice.  Tylab was the best he could get in the short time he’d had to find a captain for the Tangipahoa.   He’d been the most vulnerable, the easiest to blackmail.  “What is it now, Captain Tylab?  I told you I was not to be disturbed until--”

“Captain Coridian has left his ship.  Sir, you requested to be informed when he had done so.  Should we follow?”

“No.  Not yet.  Have the men prepare and await my signal.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Keep me informed of the Captain’s movements on the planet.  I want to know the moment he leaves the girl’s abode.”  He smiled.  He was closer than he’d ever been before.  Crown Princess Dayanara was nearly in his grasp.  She would tell him where the royal scepter was…before she died.   

“Yes, sir.”

Minutes later, the wall communicator squawked.  “Senator.  Captain Coridian is on the move.”

“Very good.  As soon as he reaches his destination send the men.”  Thoughts of the pleasure he would feel watching their torture claimed him.  Pain, that of others was so…invigorating.  He changed his mind.  “They are not to kill them.  I want them all brought on board alive and unharmed.  Is that clear, Captain?”

“Affirmative, Senator.”


The beautiful hand-hewn log home, built entirely by her parents twenty years ago, stood halfway up a small hill in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains west of Golden, Colorado.  Ponderosa pines and chokecherry bushes surrounded the house.  The dirt driveway was rough and rutted, but Audra merely put the car in low gear and chugged slowly up the hill.

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