Murkey Waters

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His cold, unshaking hands pressed into Tobi's throat. He felt the pain until his body drifted into nothingness. Everything was ending.

                   "It's better this way."


A dim, warm light filled the room. Tobi opened his eyes and saw the white sheets glowing softly. He closed his eyes again and laid still for a moment, slowly breathing in and out. The room smelled of sandalwood. He opened his eyes again and noticed the empty side of the bed. There was a slight impression outlining where a body used to be. Wes had to get up early for work today. Tobi sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, stretching as he stood. 

The apartment was silent, except for the creaking of the hardwood floor underneath each step Tobi took. He passed the living room, and stopped to look at the dust particles floating in the streams of sunlight coming through the window. They looked like stars. The house plants sitting on the windowsill and floor soaked in the light. From where he was standing, he could see that they needed to be watered soon.

A note sat on the kitchen table.

"Hey, Tobi! I get off at 1:20 today, why don't you come meet me at work? Call me when you get up!

Love you!


Small drawings of hearts and cute faces surrounded the neat writing. Tobi smiled. Wes leaves notes like these almost daily. They normally end up in a little box Tobi keeps in his dresser, because he likes knowing the fact that someone took the time to make a handwritten note, just for him.

The phone screen lit up.


"Aw, shit."

He dialed Wes's number and scuttled back to his room to get dressed.

"Tobi! Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, sorry. I couldn't sleep last night, so I worked on translating that book after you went to sleep. Do you still want me to head over there?"

"Of course! Do you want to get something to eat after I get off?"

"Hm, nah. I'm not really that hungry. How about we go on a walk?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you then!"


Tobi started down the sidewalk. The clouds rolled in, blocking out the sun. Salty ocean air drifted with each chilly gust of wind, carrying some flurries. The seaside town was small and quiet. Especially quiet during the winter, with the absence of tourists. They come from the city with loud SUVs and annoying driving habits. Tobi and Wes don't care for the city too much. Sometimes they go there to visit friends, but not for long periods of time.

Wes stood outside the coffee shop, under the blue awning. The outdoor tables were covered with green tarps, and the potted plants had lost their leaves and shriveled away. His head was turned the other way. Tobi could see that his silver dyed hair was fading back to its natural, black colour.


His head swung around. A smile stretched across his face.

"Hey! What took you so long?" He faked annoyance in his voice.

Tobi glanced down at the time on his phone.

"I'm only five minutes late..."

He laughed and wrapped his arms around Tobi as he approached.

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