The Extra Voice is Crowding

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It was about 8:15 when Tobi woke up. The living room was dark except for the blue glow of the TV. Wes was still asleep beside him, and the nighttime show about aliens and conspiracies was still playing. Tonight was a marathon.


Tobi gently shook his shoulder. He opened his eyes after a moment and looked at Tobi.

"Hm?" He stretched, set his hand on Tobi's, and closed his eyes again. "What time is it?"

"It's late. Are you hungry?"

He paused and thought for a moment.

"Hmm, yeah, I am. I don't think I've eaten anything today."

"Ok, let's go then. I don't feel like cooking tonight."

"Me neither."

Tobi stood up and stretched, while Wes made a feeble attempt to roll off the couch, and landed with a thud on the floor.

The small, dim restaurant was fairly busy. There was a bar lined with a few stools at the back corner of the building. Three familiar figures were sitting there.

Wes clicked his tongue. "Shit, Fumio's here. Let's go somewhere else, Tobi."

He started to lead him away by the wrist.

"Oh hey! Tobi, Wes! Over here!" Kei waved his hands excitedly at them. His dry, dark blonde hair jumped with the motion.
Fumio looked at them half heartedly through his square framed glasses. He sniffed and turned his head back.

Wes rolled his eyes. "Shit," he muttered under his breath.
"Wes, it's ok. I'm ok with going over there, unless you don't want to." He put his hand to the arm that held him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's fine."

"Yo, guys!"
Wes whipped his head around like he had just noticed them there. He put a quick grin on his face.

"Oh, hey!"

Kei motioned for them to come over and sit.
Naoki looked at them and smiled. She brushed her long mousy brown hair out of her face. "Do you two want a drink?"
"No, I think we're ok," said Tobi.

"Hey, Fumio, you haven't said hello yet! C'mon man, don't be rude." Kei revealed a toothy smile.

"...Hey." No eye contact. A shadow floated on his face.

"Aww, What a party-pooper! Lighten up, man!" Kei was oblivious to the tension. He slapped Fumio's back. He shot him an unfriendly look. Kei laughed in surprise. "Hey, you were fine a minute ago, what's up?"

Fumio cleared his throat, and stood up. "A certain someone here is making me feel a little sick; I'm going to have to leave." He stopped and turned after a moment. "Wes, I'm still waiting." The harsh edge in his voice had gone.

"Yeah? And I'm still waiting for you to leave. And, you're not winning any respect from me by taking to Tobi like that."

He clenched his jaw and gave Tobi a dirty look. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked off.

Tobi and Wes stood in front of Kei's apartment building. It was early summer, and there was a slight breeze going. The sun hung high in the sky, it's heat bearable. Kei was excited that the two were meeting one of his good friends.

"Guys, you finally get to meet Fumio! He's a bit of a square until you get to know him! Fumio, this is Wes and Tobi." Kei gestured his thumb towards the two. They had known each other since college, but Fumio moved to an area further away after they graduated. Just recently had he moved into the nearby city for work.

"Nice to meet you." Fumio's eyes locked with Wes. His face turned visibly pink. Tobi had a bad feeling. Wes felt him tense up.

"Uh, nice to meet you too, Fumio." Wes did his best to cover his uncomfort.
"Yeah..." Tobi crossed his arms.

The four talked for a while, and eventually parted. Fumio had kept his focus on Wes.

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