Now I know

17 1 0

The music is ringing loud in my ears
Ringing loud in my heart
Even though the ringing wont stop
It doesnt feel the same

I hear this music ringing everyday
All the time
Its the ringing that ignores all feeling
Ignores all thoughts and meanings
But today this ringing
doesnt feel the same

Now the musics ringing doesnt just sit
It vibrates and moves
It fills rooms and keeps time
Paints pictures and makes us all smile

But the musics ringing today wont be the same
Its not filling rooms nor painting pictures that make us smile
Its not even keep time to the movement it provides
Today the ringing just sit still

Cause you are now
The music ringing loud in my ears and heart
Filling rooms and keeping my time
Painting pictures that make me smile
And you are all that fill my thoughts and feelings

Now I know why the music doesnt feel the same

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