《26 - Don't Tell》

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"Bite this, please? As hard as you can," Alex Dorame said, holding the stick of wax to Ricky's mouth as he sat in his cell.

Dr. Balz stood nearby and watched as Dr. Malarkey's student dis her task calmly. Chris stood next to him. Bethany had to go home since it got late.

"She's very bright," Chris complimented as Ricky bit on the wax stick as hard as he could, then releasing with a disgusted look, probably to the taste of the wax.

"She's handled the Emma Roberts autopsy all on her own, of course with some help," Dr. Balz said. "Ryan Ashley taught Miss Dorame, Mister Hagen, and Mister Hall very well in pathology and forensic anatomy. Mister Hagen is destined to recieve his doctorate next year on his 22nd birthday."

"Wow... that's pretty impressive for someone at that age," Chris said.

"Very," Dr. Balz smiled.

Chris then decided to ask a curious question.

"Do you, have any students, Dr. Balz?" Chris asked.

"Like Dr. Malarkey, three of them for forensic anthology and entomology. Dr. Odell already obtained his doctorate two years ago," He answered.

"Entomology?" Chris asked.

"I mastered the study, but Johnnie's the only exception I made in teaching it. His previous mentor, a good friend of mine, passed away a year and a half ago. I took it in me to take Mister Guilbert under my wing. He's very gifted," he explained as Alex placed the bit stick into a plastic evidence bag and then into her bag, only to then pull out a pack of gum.

"That's very kind of you," Chris nodded.

"Here. You'll need it for the wax flavor," she said, handing Ricky a stick a gum.

"Thanks," he said, taking it and placing it in his mouth as Alex then got up and walked up to Chris and Dr. Balz.

"Good job, Miss Dorame," Dr. Balz acknowledged.

Thank you," she said.

"We should get this mark to the lab for testing," Dr. Balz said. "Call if you need anything."

Chris nodded. "Thank you," he said as they both left and Chris closes the holding cell.

"That thing tasted like crap," Ricky sighed as he laid back on the bench. "How long do I have to be in this cell?"

"Until we can determine what's going on and determine a court date for you," Chris said.

Ricky sighed and just laid back.

"You hungry? Thirsty?" Chris asked.

"Nah. Just some water if its alright," he said.

Chris nodded. "Be right back. Agent Brink will come by to ask you some more questions.

Just as Chris entered the break room, Angelo was there.

"Well?" Angelo asked as he sipped from a cup of coffee.

"They got a bite mark from him, and they'll start running tests, see if his teeth match the marks on Roberts," Chris explained.

Angelo nodded before looking at Chris with scrunched eyebrows as he reached into the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.

Chris noticed Angelo looking at him. "Something wrong?"

"Its just.... What did he mean?" Angelo asked him.

Chris looked at him weird.

"Ricky, he.... He said something that kind of stood out, before Bethany Olson was bought in," Angelo said.

Chris couldn't recall until Angelo spoke again.

"He said... You know, for some nice, soft lips, they sure spew a lot of shit...." Angelo said.

Chris froze in his spot as he remembered the words.

"Is there something you're not telling me, Chris?" Angelo asked.

Chris sighed, knowing there was no hiding stuff from Angelo.

"Close the door," He said.

Angelo frowned, but then went over and closed the door, locking it.

"What's going on?" Angelo asked.

Chris sighed. "The night of the masquerade, Ricky.... He didn't just give me a slip," Chris confessed. "He talked to me."

Angelo's eyes widen.

"He spoke of my father, saying he was a good man, same with Vinny's dad, about our own homages," Chris explained. "He read me like an open book and then....."

Angelo was quiet before he realized it.

"He kissed you?!" he whispered loudly.

Chris grunted. "He had me wrapped around his finger!" he snapped in a low volume.

"He's a murderer, Chris! God, Manson's gonna have a heart attack if word of this gets out!" Angelo whispered in frustration.

"Don't tell anyone, or else we lose this case and won't find out what the hell is going on," Chris pleaded.

Angelo sighed and grippes his hair.

"God fucking damn it.... Usually I'd be happy for you but in this case...." he sighed. "Fine. I won't tell."

Chris nodded, taking the water bottle. "Thanks, Ange."

"You owe me big," he said as Chris left the break room, back to rhe holding cells.

"Here," Chris said, handing the bottle to Ricky.

"Thanks," he said. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Depends... What's the question?" Chris asked, taking a seat nearby.

"You said there were bite marks, right?" Ricky asked. "On this chick's body?"

Chris looked up. "Yeah, but from some other case if we're right. Not sure if there's a relation."

Ricky looked over at the agent. "I may have a hint on something I heard off the streets from some prostitutes on Penn Street," Ricky said.

Chris looked curiously. "Really?"

"Well, first, I hate to snitch, but I've been staying with those Harley and Joker clowns at the abandoned party factory, which meant I needed to get out of that looney bin every once in a while," He said, rolling his eyes a bit.

"Okay, so, what did you hear?" Chris asked.

"Talk about some bodies found completely drained of blood, like some butchered cow meat on a hook, and bites all over, sometimes cut in half either vertically or horizontally, or diagonally," Ricky said. "Some think a psycho escaped from bedlam or something like it."

"So, you suspect another killer is out there, probably determined to copy you," Chris said.

Ricky shrugged as he took another sip of water. "Maybe. But one thing's for sure, this guy, or guys, are definitely worse than me. Some think.... An evil is roaming the streets of Pennsylvania," he said.

Chris could agree with Ricky on that.

Something unsettling is going on...


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♡~ sapphire.

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