"Don't stop sailin'!"

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wind waker parody to Don't stop believing...."don't stop Sailin'"! *

Link is standing on the shore of outset island with back to camera...suddenly faces the camera

Link: I'm just an island boy... With my talking dragon boat

I play the winds requiem,cuz it blows anywhere....

Transitions to tetras ship with her on the deck staring into the sunset

Tetra: I'm just a pirate girl....livin' in the pirate world...

I ride my pirate ship, cuz it goes anywhere..........

Tetra: sailin' in the bottom room! The smell of guys and treasure dispute,

It's time I start to rethink my life,cuz it goes on..

(Transitions to Zelda from skyward sword)

And on...

(Zelda from twilight princess)

And on...

(Sheik from ocarina of time)

And on...

(Goes back to tetra)

Link and tetra standing at the pier of the forsaken fortress

Link and tetra: SPOTLIGHTS!!! MOBLINS!!! Wigglin' his tiny a$$! Bokoblins, searchin' in the night!!!


Link: travelin' to save my sis!... She's a girl I really miss! But i think I'll go on a side quest

Just one more time!

Some would rise, some would die

In those caverns, they'd be stir-fried!

Oh, the legend just never ends

It goes on...

(Shows link from skyward sword)

And on...

(Majora's mask)

And on...

(Four swords adventure)

And on...(back to wind waker)

RUPEES... SWORD'S CRESTS! Coming out of that darknut's a$$! Hand Masters! Grabbing me in the night !

ISLANDS... TINGLE... Having me lose my hard-earned cash! ZELDA... Hiding in the night!

(Triforce of wisdom forms together, making tetra become Zelda, who plays a guitar solo next to Link, The King of Red Lions, Medli, and Makar, who form "Link and the Wind Wakers" as they join into the song. Ganondorf appears from a fog machine and grabs Zelda while she is still playing her guitar. Link and the others chase Ganondorf in a montage- esque sequence as they enter and exit doors)

Everyone:Don't stop... Sailin'... Hang on to the steering wheel! (Bi$&h)

Cannons... Firing... LIIIIIINK!

(Aw, that's gonna need some grandma soup!)

Don't stop... Sailin'... Hold on, ZELDAAAAA!

(Link talking)- hang on, I'll be there in a second, I just have to get this piece of heart!

(Zelda)- are you f$$$ing kidding me?!

(Chorus continues as link goes up to Ganondorf and plunges a sword in his forehead, grabs Zelda, and makes a run for it with the others in a van!)

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