Do as i say

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A/n- double update tonight! And it's a really long chapter, enjoy! Xx

Shocked and happy I invited Joe in. There was a slight hug between us but nothing major.

"Look Joe i need to explain to you."

"It's ok Han, I believe you."

"You do?" What made me so happy was the way he called me Han again and not Hannah.

"Well, I will do my best to anyway, can we try again, please?"

My heart lifted, I hadn't felt so happy in weeks.

Until a familiar noise shattered my dreams. My phone.

I picked it up and read the message.

Do as I say or else I get involved.

I replied for the first time.

Leave me alone.

I was getting brave- possibly too brave.

(Bold- mystery texter, normal -Hannah)

No chance now tell him you never liked him.
No way! He hasn't done anything to deserve that.
I'm waiting.
I refuse.
Hannah, do it.
Or else what?

Now I was getting really scared, what was he going to do.


I was beginning to panic very badly.


"Joe I never loved you." I winked at the end of the sentence hoping he would get me.

Good girl, now continue to do as I say and nothing will go wrong - I won't count down next time- you refuse something happens; instantly.

Wow this guy was scary.

I looked at Joe. He was extremely puzzled and confused as to what was going on. I winked again the signalled him to shush. Then I had an idea. If my phone wasn't functioning I couldn't receive the texts...

Instantly I grabbed my phone and smashed it off the table until it wouldn't work anymore.

"What are you doing!" Joe yelled.

"It's ok, I'm safe now, I'm sorry about that," I said.

Instantly the door bell rang. Chills ran down my spine. Reluctantly I went and answered it.

As I opened the door I wasn't greeted by someone but something.

A knife.

On the knife was a sticky note with a sentence that sent chills through me.

Round 2

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