6. Just Some Little Thing

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Ellenya's bed chambers looked out to a small garden; it was a place where natural light filtered through the cracks of the great rock and caverns of the King's halls, creating a little oasis of life and light. The archways that supported the veranda were draped in white gossamer, which fluttered and floated in the strong breeze. It was early dawn on a winter's morning, the blueish light cast an ethereal glow over the sleeping garden and up into the Princess's chambers.

The woodland Princess lay watching the light creep up the steps and through the doorways, slowly flooding her rooms in its cold brightness. Her coverings were twisted around body and she breathed deeply, her silvery, blue eyes were empty and void of emotion. Much had changed over the course of the winter, the absence of her brother the most prominent difference, his absence was felt by everyone but more so Ellenya.

She felt like everything was colder now that Legolas was gone, she had become moody and irritable, less interested in her surroundings. Her visions and dreams had continued but she had chosen to ignore them now, as far as she was concerned they were useless to her now her brother's fate was sealed and so was their kingdom's. Every day the enemy advanced further, her people lost more ground and the sickness in the forest continued to spread, there was little hope to be found. It seemed appropriate to just accept the inevitable; the world as she knew it was coming to an end.

It had been a few months now since Elrond's council; Legolas had sent news straight away to explain the terrible nature of what had been revealed there. The ring of power had been found and was in the custody of a Halfling, a fellowship had been formed in order to assist the Halfling in a journey so perilous, and so incredible foolish, that only someone incredibly dense would agree to such a thing! The fact her brother had nominated himself was an outrageous revelation for Ellenya, she had been prepared for him to go to war, but she had not prepared herself to cope with the idea of him assisting a hobbit to rid the world of darkest evil and overthrow Sauron. The very idea was so ridiculous that it could almost be comical had it not involved her brother! So the fate of Arda and its people rested in the hands of a Halfling, three of his kin, her brother, Aragorn the ranger, a man of heritage from Gondor, Mithrandir the wizard, and a dwarf!

What was the greatest disappointment to Ellenya was her Adar, she had thought for sure he would have forbidden Legolas to partake in such a masquerade, she had pinned her last hopes on Thranduil intervening and saving her brother from his own idiocy. To her despair he supported the decision and encouraged Ellenya to do the same thing but she could not and angrily retreated from her Adar, choosing to spend her days avoiding awkward conversations with him and instead throwing herself into her duties.

With a groan Ellenya pushed the memories from her mind and sat up straight in her bed, stretching her arms above her head, whilst making satisfied mumbles, as her muscles and joints began to wake up. Drowsily the princess began to shed her clothes and in her daze did not hear the handle of her door creak, and a familiar figure enter the room.

"Surprise! Guess who-"

Ellenya screamed loudly, as she stumbled away from the intruder frantically ripping a sheet from her bed to cover herself with.

In her chaotic fumbling the princess tripped over an ottoman and landed in a heap on the ground.

The intruding elf screeched in surprise, and spun back in the direction of the door only to hit their head off the frame with a loud thump.

"What is it? What did I do? Ow my eye....I think I am blind? Ellenya I am blind and it is your fault...Ellenya...where are you?"

Ellenya, who was face down on the ground with a giant sheet covering her, began to chuckle breathlessly, the only thing visible was her mass of sleek, blond, locks. "Elladan, do you not knock?" the princess muffled into the floor, as she felt her cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment.

A Greater Destiny: Sequel to The Last Queen {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now