Death Note

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Hi guys I may have to continue this story on another account because I have linked this account with my face book and I have to delete my face book account. If anyone knows how to transfer this story onto my new account I would gladly try that. I really want to continue this story so if I cant transfer it than I will continue on my new account. Promise.

Thank you to all my readers 


 "Finally I found you"he said

'That voice, that voice, that voice'I said to myself and slowly I lifted my head and looked up into a pair of golden eyes.

Suddenly darkness had over come me. But before I let the darkness take me I heard a voice say.

"And I will never let you go"


Clary POV

"Clary where are you" I could hear a voice faintly and slowly drifting away.

"Clary, Clary" The voice said again

"Raven Raven is that you?"I asked but there was no answer and I could see nothing but darkness.

Slowly the darkness began to fade away like smoke. I could see a figure. A body?. Slowly I walked towards the body on the ground. I recognized the dark Raven hair. I reached my hand out and turned the body so that I could see the face. I knew who it was. Why. Why am I willing to risk this and feel the pain. I looked into his familiar green eyes. They were no longer brightly lit. The brightness of his eyes were like a dying fire. 

"Raven"I cried

His eyes found mine and I grabbed his body so I could cry against it. I placed his hand in mine. 

"Raven Please" I cried

"I.. love you..."He said choking on his own blood.

"Raven"I cried as I saw the light in his eyes fade.


"Clary"he said and his eyes slowly closed


I jolted awake in my bed sweaty and hot. Tears were streaming down my face. I looked around confused. 

"It was all just a ... nightmare" I said

I was in the institute. In my room. How?

I felt an arm around my waist and I turned around to see Raven.

"Raven"I whispered.

I stared at him for a few minutes admiring his features. He was beautiful. Perfect.

"Stop staring at me its creepy" Raven said with a stupid smirk on his face

"Hey yo-"I was halfway through my sentence when Raven pulled me and now he was leaning on top of me. 

"Raven I have to train"I said trying to push him off. He bent his head down so that it was inches away from my face. I could feel his breath on my lips. He began to kiss down my collarbone. 

"How about we have a little fun"He said in a low and seductive voice.

I was so ready to have 'round 2' but I wasn't in the mood. 

"Raven last night was amazing but I really have to train"

Suddenly Raven stiffened all over

"Last night"he said anger in his eyes

"Last night. What happen last night"he yelled

"Really Raven"I rolled my eyes and pushed him off. I began to sit up but he pushed me back down harshly.

"Ow Raven that hurt"I said wincing in pain

"You slut you couldn't wait for me"he said and with every word he said the harder his grip became.

"Raven what are you...."but than I realized everything that had happen. It wasn't a dream. This was a dream.

"Your not Raven"

Suddenly everything became blury and then it cleared and I was no longer at the institute I was in a weird room. It had a beautiful vanity table. A closet that was filled with clothes. There was also a window that had the most beautiful view of gardens. I was in a bed and on top of me where Raven was Jace was stairing daggers at me anger filled his eyes.

"Jace"I said

"You, he was your first not me"he said staring down into my eyes. 

"How could you, I was supposed to be your first not him"I could see tears forming in his eyes threatening to fall. I could see the Jace that I had fallen in love with the Jace that was kind and gentle.

"Im sorry Jace but I love Raven and I always will" as soon as the words left my mouth the Jace that I had missed had loved was gone.

"We'll see about that"he said as he smashed his lips down onto mine.

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If anyone knows how to transfer stories I will gladly give it a try. Other wise you can read the next chapter on my new account. I will comment with my new account so you can read the next chapter on that account. I promise that I will not stop this story and that this might be the last chapter on this account. Make sure you all  follow me on my new account.

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