Chapter 8:Even angels have their wicked schemes

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"That's awesome!" I heard Naomi pronounce, as Maria, Avery, Chiara, Anna and I approached the main bulletin board.

"That's awesome!" she repeated, looking pointedly at us.

I exchanged looks with my friends, then said tiredly "Go on, Naomi, what is awesome?"

"The theme of our winter formal is winter wonderland!"

"Original," I said sarcastically.

"The predominantly white dress code will make my tan look amazing!" she continued, ignoring me.

"Shit, I can't come." Anna said, examining the flyers. "I'm taking winter break early and I'll just miss it by a couple days."

"Shame," Avery said sincerely, while Naomi was still waxing on about sunshine and different shades of orange.

"How about you three?" I asked, "We doing the usual plan?"

"Of course,"

Before most formal social events, they would each pay me a $100 for me to find their outfits, which of course they got to keep. The money was to cover the costs of the clothes and jewellery that I would buy, they had insisted on paying more - which I secretly appreciated, but hadn't accepted, not for the money - people that take their friends for granted are the worst.

Already I could see outfits for each of them forming in my mind. We were going to smash it.


"You guys seen Gale?" I asked.

"You're the one he lives with, shouldn't you know?" Jace said snarkily, busy texting someone. I'm not a sexist person, but the stereotype that men can't multi-task seems to apply to him.

He obviously wasn't paying attention so I carried on the conversation with Caleb and Matt, "Actually, I got a lift with him this morning but I haven't seen him since."

"Chill Sunshine," Matt said. "If there's someone you should worry about, it's not Gale."

I shrugged, acknowledging that he was right.

Looking bored, Caleb asked Jace "Who you texting."

"No one." he mumbled back.

Caleb and Matt grinned at eachother, then grabbed for Jace's cell phone. Jace had good reflexes - but not good enough to stop two football players.

"Whoa," Matt said, looking at the screen. "These texts are hot; Naomi really has a way with words."

I raised an eyebrow at them, and Caleb grinned mischeviously "You wanna hear?"

"No thanks-"

"'I'm not wearing thongs today,'" he continued regardless, imitating Naomi's voice. "'Actually, I'm not wearing anything...'" Wow, no wonder he was so distracted earlier.

Jace made a grapple for his cell, but Matt took it and carried on - "'I still have your shirt, how about I meet you in the boys locker rooms at lunch and wear it - and I mean just the shirt ;)'"

Jace was usually so unembarrassed and open about his sex life - so why was he looking so... uncomfortable? But then that moment was gone, and a cocky smile appeared on his face "Just cause neither of you can do it like I can."

Matt and Caleb rolled their eyes, but further conversation was presented because the teacher arrived and started her lecture enthusiastically,


I was just leaving the school building to find Jace to give me a ride - since I usually rode with Gale on his motorcycle and he was current MIA - when someone places their hands lightly over my eyes. I smelt Gale - his smell off fresh pine and motor engine oil - even before I recognized his voice when he said "Guess who."

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