Chapter six

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Elizabeth's POV
13th of march

"Wish I could say the same." I replied with a smile as I shook his hand. Angela was holding my other arm tightly. Probably to keep me from running away or punch Danny. Most likely the last one, for obvious reasons. He gave my hand a light squeeze while he glared at me in disgust. I was right. He hated me. He had every reason to. I'm not gonna blame him. At least I know for sure that we feel the same towards each other. Finally he let go of my hand and Angela let go of my arm.

"Long time no see Liz!" Mark beamed pulling me in for a tight hug while Angela was all caught up in Glen. Danny was just standing behind Mark awkwardly glaring at me.

"Yeah it's been a few years. Ye look good!" I beamed pulling away. He looked basically the same. Well his hair had found it's way to his face instead, but other that that he was the same Mark I got to know all those years ago. I missed those times we were all young and happy, before they left and turned everything upside down.

"Ye must be Elizabeth. Pleasure to meet ye." Glen said pulling me in for a welcoming hug. Danny was standing in the back sniggering sending killing looks in my direction.

"Like wise!" I beamed completely ignoring Danny. He looked genuinely pissed about my presence. Okay I didn't enjoy being here in the same room as him either, but I would certainly try to make it work for the short time that we're here. Notice the word try... I can always stick to Angela, Glen and Mark.

"So it's been a while, we probably have loads of catching up to do!" Angela beamed ignoring the tension in the room, bless her for trying.

"We sure do, not sure if we have enough time." Mark replied.

"Ye sure Mark?" Glen added with a smirk. Danny gave Glen a small punch in his ribs to shut him up. That certainly didn't work. Mark had already noticed.

"Oh we have an after party tonight at a pub, would yez want to join us? Drinks on us." Mark asked enthusiastically to Glens great pleasure. As Marks words left his mouth I saw the look on Danny's face. It went from bitch to disgusted in less than a second. I can only imagine my expression right now. At least the boiling hate for each other is something me and Danny have in common.

"That sounds perfect! Right Liz?" Angela beamed jumping up and down next to me.

"Oh yeah, can't imagine doing something else." I replied faking a smile to Angela's disapproval.

"We're in!" Angela told Mark.

"Perfect! So while we still have time before our cheeky drinks, what have ye girls been up to since we last saw yez?" Mark asked us. Angela told him that we both just finished school and moved on to the next level, our education. I was a lawyer and soon to be a photographer, Angela was a nurse. We both made it pretty well and had kept close since the day we met. The same was with Mark and Danny. They never left each other's sides and then met Glen. They became a trio and made it themselves. It was amazing to see how far they've gotten.

"Ye've made it too lads." I said smiling at Mark. He smiled back and nodded before Danny decided to finally speak up for the first time since I entered the room.

"Yeah we found the needle in the haystack! Isn't it amazing!" He devilishly smirked his eyes burning into mine. I must admit, that look and that comment hurt. I know I led them, especially Danny, on to believe that I had no faith in them. That is most definitely not true and I don't think I should be saying something now considering the tension between me and Danny. It could lead to a nasty fight which is the last thing I want. I just wanna get out of here.

Instead of replying I just turned my glare to Anglea who looked pretty worried by now. I've obviously told her every detail about our breakup so she knew this would set me off. Mark knew that too. He gave Dan an icy glare giving him the signal to shut up.

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