Chapter twelve

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Danny's POV
Gatwick airport
14th of april

"Morning sunshine." Glen beamed as I was dragging my feet towards the lads standing in the departures at the airport. Well the crew and Glen at least. I still couldn't see Mark. Maybe that was a good thing. I bet he was still really pissed at me for what I said about Elizabeth's parents. He did after all loose both of his parents as well. I've never seen him shed a tear about it, but I can't imagine it being exactly easy for him.

"Morning." I growled back. It was 5am, way too early to be cheerful. At least for me. Glen on the other hand had no problem with this by the looks of it. Oh well, he might be like this just to piss me off right now. I did ignore him and everyone else for almost a week after being kind of an asshole.

"At least yer alive." Mark spat at me as he had just gotten back to the group. He was standing next to Glen sending me ugly glares. Damn if looks could kill. I just ignored the comment and stood in silence until we got to check in and wander around the airport on our own for a bit. We still had 4 hours until our plane left so we definitely had some time to kill.

As soon as we had checked in and walked past security we checked which gate we were going to meet and and got all the info we needed. As soon as that was done we could walk wherever we wanted. Seeing as the lads weren't exactly happy about my presence I decided to go and walk off on my own. By now it was 3 hours until boarding and 3,5 hours until our plane left. The airport was almost empty at this time and barely any stores were open. Just our luck eh? Seeing as I had so much time to kill and nothing to do at all I sat down at a dining place and pulled out my phone. Time to do some tweeting.

"Currently at the airport, anyone awake at this point lol" Well apparently there's loads of people awake. As soon as the tweet got sent I got replies.

"@thescript_danny how are ye? 😝"
"@scriptfan123 tired . Waking up at 3 am is not cool lol"

"@thescript_danny excited for the next part of the tour? I can't wait to see you guys in Seoul!"
"@thescriptfamasia yeah bring it on! See ye soon"

"@thescript_danny love u guys"
"@louisescriptette thanks, love ye too" At this I considered only tweeting the "thanks" like I normally do, but considering how these past days have been I figured it would be better to be a more loving person.

"@thescript_danny fun at the airport?"
"@liv_nsws very , just had the 4th cup of tea , doing wonders"

"@thescript_danny can u tell us a joke?" I chuckled a bit at this and tried to come up with a suitable joke, but right now I had none. I could choose to be sassy and mean at this point, but then I would never hear the end of it.
"@kirah-script I got nothing" excuse the pun in that one. The fans certainly picked up on it and loads of tweets came in. Every time I refreshed there was 30 new tweets coming in. There was no way I could ever reply to all of them. I read them all of course but I only replied to some of them, just randomly.

After keeping up with the tweeting for a good hour and a half with tea breaks every once in a while I decided it was time to end the tweet spree to go find the other lads. They were probably not that happy about me being here right now, either of them, but they had no other choice really. We were a band and close friends. Sure we would have our moments of hate and disapproval towards each other, but it would all work out in the end, I'm sure of that.
I got up from my seat and threw away the empty teacups spread all over the table. Who says you need coffe when you can have tea? If you ask me that's just as good to stay away. At least if you pour some sugar into it.
After walking for a few minutes in the direction I came from in the beginning I saw Glen and Mark sitting at a table with the crew also spread around the tables close by. I went over and sat down on the free chair at the table.

"Look who decided to show up." Mark spat. I just looked at him with an ugly glare.

"Be nice Mark." Glen warned.

"Thanks mate." I replied. Thank god he didn't hate me as much as Mark at this point. Hopefully we wouldn't bring all this negative energy out on stage and disappoint the fans.

"Sure. Now, what have ye been up to these past few days?" Glen asked.

"Well, not much. I've just played some music, watched TV and all that. Been a couple of lazy days, but now I'm just ready to get back out on tour." I said. Glen nodded slowly and after that we kept chatting for a while. Mark even decided to speak up and join the conversation a few times. It was nice just having a normal time again.

Suddenly it was 8:30am and it was time to board our plane. We all got up and gathered at the gate. The boarding didn't take long at all and soon we were all in our seats ready to take off. The flight had one layover in Turkey for a few hours before flying straight to Seoul where we would be landing at noon on the 15th. Just enough time to get to our venue and have soundcheck before getting some rest. Well the travel would take about 16-17 hours in total so we had a lot of time to sleep and rest on the plane. I just hoped I got to sleep for most of the time so the jet lag wouldn't be too bad when we got there. As soon as the plane took of to Turkey I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier before I finally fell asleep. I only woke up during the layover, but as soon as we boarded our plane again I immediately fell asleep again. The next time I woke up I would be in Seoul ready for the next part of the tour.

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