Chapter 1 return

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The ship landed they all came back in the jolly Roger back from neverland they were greeted by everyone went to grannys to celebrate charming and snow left henry went to reginas house with robin hood emma heard the bell ring she looked at the door she saw the most icest bluest eyes with the most darkest blackest hair ever hey love hook said hi hook emma said hook sat down next to emma so love I was wondering....... did that kiss in neverland mean something emma tried to change the subject please love answer me I want to know you know hook I got to go home let me walk you love it's fine hook I can walk myself let me walk you oh fine a bad storm came when they left it was pouring rain hook saw emma shivering with no jacket on here love take mines it's fine hook here he put the jacket on her she felt warm and cozy she stopped for a second and stared hook in the eyes how did you how did I what hook said how did you forgive me after betraying you breaking your heart after doing everything hook stared at her straight in the eyes to well love I moved on now I love someone else and that's you I did all that for you I saved henry I brought you all back it was my feelings for you love hook said do you really care about me more than anything they became closer only an inch away they both kissed right there on the street in the rain oh and swan yeah hook call me Killian okay than bye Killian bye love emma went home she saw her parents at the door is that hooks jacket your wearing charming said yeah I saw that outside me and snow emma's face turned red do you like him maybe emma said David got angry why are you angry emma said you married for true love snow agreed with emma look emma do you even trust him yes emma said you should to he saved your life from dreamshade

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