CHAPTER 3 snow monster

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Killian and Henry got back to the docks Killian heard a familiar scream they shouted help Killian knew it was emma Killian told henry go he said I'll be right back Killian ran to the forest he saw a big snow monster Killian told emma run she ran the big snow monster threw Killian against a tree Killian emma screamed she took him to the hospital they told emma stay outside we will tell you when you can come in an hour passed a nurse came outside well he's fine but he has a major headache the nurse gave emma a bottle full of pills give him two everyday it will help with the headaches emma went in Killian she yelled are you okay she held him tightly I see you actually do care about me he said and did his smirk o was just worried emma said that's a type of care Killian said so when can I leave this place Killian asked tommorow emma said here what is that Killian asked pills or medicine it's to help you fell better how do I know those oval things are not poisen if I wanted you to be dead I wouldn't have taken you to the hospital good point Killian took the medicine and swallowed it down that taste horrible I know emma said well bye Killian emma said wait your gonna leave me all alone Killian said well I'm the sheriff I have to do my job can't you just stay for a little while fine Killian made room for emma on the bed here sit down here fine emma dat on the bed with Killian can you stay here tonight kilkian asked no emma said why Killian asked I think you'd be dead from my dad fine Killian said Killian put his arm around emma emma leaned on his chest they both leaned in for a kiss Killian whispered in emma ear I love you emma emma looked at him but he was asleep she leaned in closer and they both slept toghether in the morning it was 10 o'clock A.M emma carefully got out the bed and put on her red leather jacket emma knew that killian was awake and he was watching her just as she opened the door and left she whispered in Killian's ear I love you too in the inside Killian felt so happy did emma actually like or love him now emma went to the sherif station emma went inside a few minutes later David came in emma where were you last night we were all worried sick at the hospital why Killian was hurt so I just stayed with him for the night you like hook it's Killian whatever David said he tried to hurt you in the enchanted forest yeah that was before he changed now he's good he's a hero now not a villian look if he even tries to hurt you I will kill him and the next time you go somewhere please let us know

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