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Don't ask about the video. I'm weird and they're hot. That's all I'm going to say.

I pulled on the cloak that Rogue and put on me the night before. I pulled the hood over my head and walked down the hall to the room Rogue and Sting were in. I opened the door and went in. I closed the door and took off my hood. Frosch was crying, laying on Rogue's chest. Lector sat next to Sting.

"How are they?" I walked over to Rogue.

"They're gonna be just fine they're super tough." Lector said.

"You're here!" Frosch jumped into my arms. "He's gonna be ok, right?"

"I've come to heal him and Sting." I sat down on the edge of Sting's bed.

I placed my hand on Sting's chest and began to heal him. A few minutes later Sting's eyes opened. He tried to sit up.

"No, you need to rest." I held my hand out. I turned to heal Rogue.

"Why did you heal me first?" Sting asked.

"You had lost more magic power than Rogue, if I healed Rogue first then there was a chance that you could be permanently injured." I explained as I healed Rogue.

Rogue opened his eyes. "Welcome back to the land of the living." I joked.

Rogue smiled. Frosch jumped on Rogue and started to cry. Rogue hugged Frosch.

"We underestimated them." Sting said.

"Yeah, it was a mistake but now we know what they're capable of." Rogue said.

"Honestly it didn't surprise me, Natsu took down Fairy Tail's Second Master, about killed him but he did it." I rambled on.

"Yeah, we get it, he's strong." Sting said.

"But you guys don't!" I began to cry. "You don't get it! You could have gotten yourselfs killed!"

The door swung open. Natsu stood there, sniffing the air. I pulled the hood over my head. Natsu looked around the room.

"Did you need something?" Sting asked.

"I could've sworn I smelled Saaya in here." Natsu said.

"Well she's not in here so get out." Rogue rolled over so that he had his back to Natsu.

"You in the cloak? Who are you?" Natsu asked.

"It's our healer, she came to help us now will you get out." Sting tried to get up to make him leave.

"Yeah, yeah. But your healer smells kinda like a dude." Natsu turned and left.

I sat in a Emo corner. "I smell like a dude." I mumbled.

{Forbidden} Rogue X OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin