Muffins and Chocolate Milk

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Kyungsoo has always been stubborn. People tell him that he needs to pick a mate since he has reached the age of twenty. Everyone gets mated at the age of twenty, that is,except for Kyungsoo. He wants to find his destined mate. When he tells people about his wish, they just laugh at him. But Kyungsoo is stubborn and won't settle for anyone less than his destined mate.

He works as a baker in a well known pastry shop. He has a little apartment on one of the nicest streets in Busan. He loves his life, but it always feels a little bit lonely. He has tried dating many times, but as an alpha with a small frame, the second a female omega sees him they choose to walk away. He has given up on the female population of wolves due to their judgemental views. He has taken a few male omegas and betas on dates, but their was never that spark between them.

Kyungsoo's days continued with the same boring routine over and over again. His best friend was never around anymore because he was off frolicking in the forest with his newfound mate. His parents lived in another town. He was basically forever alone.

He started his day off with a walk to the cafe down the street. On his way he came across an apartment building that has never caught his attention before. But today an amazing smell was coming from it. It was a mixture of spice and honey and Kyungsoo was addicted. With further thought, Kyungsoo realized that it was the smell of an omega in heat. He had never been so affected by the scent of an omegas heat before. Although he wanted to see the beauty with the tempting scent, he still had to get to work on time. With that thought in his mind he forced himself to move on.

He arrived at work with a minute to spare. He quickly pulled his apron on and got to work putting a few last things in place. The waiters were already taking orders and the first hour flew by. It was around nine in the morning that his heart rate started to pick up and his palms started to sweat. It was that time of day when his favorite customer would show up. Right as the hour hand on the clock hit nine the bell that announced the appearance of a new guest rang. In walked the most beautiful omega he had ever seen. His golden brown locks shone in the morning light. His eyes met Kyungsoo's and the baker almost melted right there on the spot.

He normally took the young omegas order instead of the waiters taking it and today was no exception, but today he was hit with the same smell that he had been tempted by that morning. His knees almost buckled as he walked over to the table and the scent of honey and spice washed over him.

"H-hi, Jongin." Kyungsoo said with his voice cracking.

"Hi! Hyung! I would like a blueberry muffin today with chocolate milk!"

Sometimes it was hard for the elder to picture Jongin as anything but a five year old. But today he did not smell like a five year old. He typically smelled like baby lotion, but today it was the delicious smell of lust.

Kyungsoo went into the kitchen to to place Jongin's order and to calm himself down. He came out a few minutes later and was blinded by Jongin's bright smile. His heart rate picked up and he could feel his pants tightening as the younger's scent entered his nose. He set the order on the table and was about to walk away before Jongin whined, "Hyuuuuung! Sit with me just for a little bit."

Kyungsoo usually found it cute when the other whined, but today all it did was put R-rated images in his head.

Jongin pouted and Kyungsoo looked hesitant, but eventually sat across from Jongin in the booth. It was not their typical conversation. There were very few words exchanged and both were rather uncomfortable. "Hyung, are you okay?"

The elder took a deep breath and let it out while running his fingers through his hair.

"Jongin, are you in heat right now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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