What's Wrong With Me?

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I was writing a chapter for each book and I was hyper when I wrote this for The Lonely & The Shy

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I was writing a chapter for each book and I was hyper when I wrote this for The Lonely & The Shy. I feel like I was drunk or some shit.

I love my Senpai!! This is meh Senpai-

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I love my Senpai!! This is meh Senpai-

I love my Senpai!! This is meh Senpai-

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This meh Senapi. I will kill for meh Senpai. Back off my Senapi.

Today I said the most weirdest thing ever. I went to this girl's house to hang out and she tried to take my jacket off me and my black girl side came out and said "Bitch don't touch my coat."  I remember that from this video I saw and that stuck in my mind. Everything was so weird because she would ask me if I'm comfortable and shit. In the end of my visit her older brother tells me that she's trying to find out if I like her back. And I was like "She likes me??" He said "Yeah. That's why she invited you over and everything." Then I said "Well I feel like shit because I don't get crushes so I don't entirely know if I like both boys and girls or one of them." I told her that I'm leaving and she said she'll text me later and she tells me that she likes me and that she's gay(for girls). I told her that I'm sorry but that's don't get crushes and that I don't like her in that way. She said she understands and that's it. I haven't texted her back cause I'm about to sleep so goodnight.

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