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Natsu's limp body fell. His pink head plummeting straight for the earth below him. The flame in his hands extinguished.

"NATSU!!" The word rang out through the empty cave. Tears decorated the girls face, as she drug herself off the ground. Dragging her broken leg towards the bruised and beaten body of the salmon haired body.

"NATSU!" She cried again. Heavily dropping to the ground next to him.
She slowly lifted his head into her lap. Trying her hardest to keep him as comfortable as bruised lap will provide. His onyx eyes remained closed as tears streamed down her face. Her heart began to wither and shatter at the sight. His normal carefree smile no longer visual as blood and cuts littered his once warm skin. The pain in her heart beat against ribs. The normal steady drumbeat was now hectic and chaotic.

"Wake up..." She whispered as her hands grabbed his arms. Shaking his body gently.
She didn't want it to end, the memories they shared, all the time they had spent together. She couldn't let it end.

"He's not getting up." Dante said as he saw the whimpering form of the woman. Success creeping into his skin as he stood, his presence seemingly daunting everything.
Her eyes looked up and glared as tears steadily poured from her.

"I hate you." She cried out. Her palms flying to her eyes.

"Why! He had done nothing to you!! You came here for me! Why must you torture me!?" She screamed towards him, a roar emitting from his voice.

"What fun is it to just hurt one...when you can hurt them all." Myra's eyes widened. He meant them, the guild. He was going towards the guild. Not only was he going to kill her, he was going to break her mind first.

Rage boiled through her blood as her eyes looked back towards him.

"If you touch them I'll kill you!" She hissed. Dante smirked and rose his hand,

"Come at me." Myra's palms engulfed in a flurry of crystal magic. Crystals sprung from her fingers making it look as though her arm was crystal itself. Rushing towards him, she let out a battle cry. The pain of her fractured bone nonexistent as adrenaline rushes through her blood. Seemingly fixing her leg.

Dante evilly smiled as he rose his hand. Dispensing her magic. A wave of nausea washed over her as the canceled magic drained everything inside of her. Raising his foot he crashed it into her side. A sickening crack emitting from her ribs. She grunted as her body hit the floor. Her leg cracked and she cried out, the pain was worse than before. Her broken leg, broke again.

"Did you really think. You. Of all people. Could take ME on. Do you know who I am?" He mocked as he walked to her fallen form. He brought his foot back down on her back. Her spine in pain as the bone in her leg began to turn.

"The mere thought of you thinking that offends me." He hissed as he put more pressure on her back. Her eyes widened as he applied more and more.

"Don't ever think you can stand up to me." He hissed as another forceful stomp caused the girl to cough up blood.

Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded with herself to get up. An impossible task with Dantes foot on her back.

Dante said calmly. His sexy voice as smooth as melted butter under a moonlit night. (Dante is mine)


Myra screamed as she shot up. Darkness all around her.

"MYRA!" Two steady hands gripped her shaking shoulder, causing her to scream again.

"ITS OKAY ITS JUST ME!" Her screeching died down as the familiar voice made its way to her ears.

"Natsu?" She panted. Her red eyes wide with fear as she took in her surroundings.
And...Natsu was here.

Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she lept forward. Her arms wrapping around his neck.

"Oh my- Natsu I thought you were dead! He killed you and I-"

"Myra!" Natsu cut her off. Confused and slightly worried.

"It was only a dream." The girl broke into tears as she slumped into his arms.
Natsu held her and stroked her long hair.

"It was only a dream..." He repeated, soothing her worries.

"I'm here and I'll always be here for you." He said.
Myra sniffed and nodded her head, remaining in his grip.

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