Spagetti and cuddling

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SMG4 stared at a certain plate in the fridge. "Uhhh, SMG4?" SMG3 asked worriedly. "This the reason were probably not getting  saved" SMG4 said coldly. "You mean that spagetti?" SMG3 said. The cold pasta stood there innocently, although it was the culprit for sending Mario away from saving the two boys. "Yes, this is why that faggot left us... We should kill it. By eating it." SMG4 said taking the spagetti out of the refrigerator. SMG3 chuckled and said, "Okay, sure." , and then closed the refrigerator door. SMG4 cocked (haha, cock XD) his head in confusion and asked, "Aren't you gonna get something too?". "Do you really think you can eat that whole plate on your own?" SMG3 chuckled. It was true, the plate was pretty big. "I guess so.." SMG4 trailed off as SMG3 grabbed two sporks. "Well then dig in." was the final thing SMG3 said before he started to eat. SMG4 took some glances at the T.V. to see if something other than snow came on while SMG3 was deep in thought. While the two boys were distracted, neither noticed that they had grabbed the same noodle and their faces were inching closer and closer.. Both whipped their heads around but it was too late. The space between them had been sealed, AKA, they accidentaly kissed. "AAH WHAT THE HELL!?" SMG4 said pulling away in embarassment. Both of the boys's faces where tainted with a pink blush.  "W-well you weren't looking smartass!" SMG3 growled. "Oh, were you?" SMG4 asked coldly. "No..." SMG3 muttered. SMG4 sighed and said, "This never happened, got it?". SMG3 nodded. They kept eating, but were carefull this time. SMG3 thought about the kiss. 'His lips.. they were soft and tasty just like..' SMG3 thought looking at the spagetti. A blush crept up on his face and SMG3 shook his head vigorously. 'Stop it SMG3! Don't think about that kind of stuff about specially if he's in front  of you!' SMG3 scolded himself in his head. SMG4 noticed and asked, "Uhh, are you okay?". SMG3's face lit up like a firework. "YESIMFINEYOUCANEATTHERESTOFTHEFOODIMGOINGTOSLEEPOKAYBYE!" he rambled before standing up and darted to bed. SMG4 stood there before he cracked a smile and thought, 'You know.. he's kind of cute when he's blushing.. WAIT. WHAT. NO!' SMG4 quickly shook his head. 'I'm not gay!.. am I?' SMG4 thought as he let out a groan. He finished off his food and peeked in his, well technically his and SMG3's, "room". SMG3 was already in bed snoring lightly. SMG4 was debating in his mind if he should get in or not. "Eh, screw it. He can be mad at me when he wakes up."SMG4 whispered as he slipped in with SMG3 without dipping the bed too much. SMG3 was hogging most of the blanket while a little section of it was on his counterpart's side. "Asshole." he whispered. SMG4 had to litterally invade SMG3's personal space just so that he can cover himself with the blanket. His face was inches away from SMG3's chest. Then he did something he thought he would never do,

he cuddled with SMG3

SMG4 nuzzled his face into his opposite's chest and wrapped his arms around his waist. SMG4 gasped when he felt SMG3's arms embrace him. He looked up to the other boy's eyes shut. Eventually SMG3's body warmth calmed down SMG4 as he drifted off into sleep..


Wah! Sorry I haven't updated! But here it is!

More sin is yet to come! XD

Until then, chao~


SMG34 (SMG4 x SMG3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя