ThighGHGHGHGS Part 3

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Title: ThighGHGHGHGS Part 3  

Author: chutjedors  

Rating: R (I really don't know hELP)  

Pairing: John/Paul (wow I'm so original)  

Warnings: A bit of thighs. Swearing. Julian. And his fucking father. Watch out for him.  

Disclaimer: I do NOT own John or Paul or Jules *jumps off the cliff*

AN: This is totallu AU and it's unbetaed, don't die!

More author notes at the end!


Julian stepped out of the car and sighed, looking at the old and tiny but pretty and comfortable country house with conflicting feelings. It had been years since the last time he had visited this place and he couldn't say if he was happy or angry of the fact that his father was just 'too busy' to take care of him for the next week or so, and so Julian had ended up here. In his uncle's house (or, like Julian secretly thought, his second father), because his uncle was not on tour at the moment and as he was living all alone and always wanted Julian to visit... Here he was, hesitantly glancing at the driver who just calmly unpacked his stuff from the car before saying goodbyes and driving off.

Julian hated it. Not the fact that he was going to spend a whole week in his uncle's house. No, he hated the fact that he had to come there to spend his week. If his uncle and father had been still together, he wouldn't have to come to this house which only reminded him of how the Beatles broke up and his fathers (oops, did he just think that) had separated from each other. This was the house that he had loved before, but now as only his uncle lived there, it just... Made things more real. If he was home, he could pretend that they were still together, depending on the phone marathons and the amounts of visits the two ex-lovers paid to each other, but when he was here he could pretend no more; as this was the house that had always been for the three of them, and was now only for the one that lived here.

It had been five years. Five long years of living hell. Five years since the Beatles broke up. Four years since his fathers (oops again) had quitted things between them. Three years from his father and mother's divorce. Two years of him going to the boarding school while his father was on tour. One year since he had actually seen his uncle last time. Not that they wouldn't have talked on the phone or written cards and letters and that, it was just that his uncle had been on a world tour and they hadn't seen each other.

Julian had missed him so much he could die. And he knew his father could see it too, as it was the same for him. Only that he didn't miss a father figure, he missed a partner, lover, friend. And he missed him even when the other one was there with them, drinking tea and going on and on about the things he was going to try on his new album. His father was almost more than excited and more than miserable after those visits, as he missed Julian's uncle so much.

Julian couldn't understand why they weren't together anymore. They had been a couple as long as he could remember and they had been so happy. And then something had went wrong and they had stopped and Julian was confused. And sad. Because even if it was wrong to think like this, he thought they

were meant to each other and there was nothing wrong in them being together, even if it was two men. Two fathers.

He had always known. As he had said, they had been together as long as he could remember. He was the only one that knew about them two, though he

didn't know why. They had never talked about it to him, had acted like they were only friends, but somehow Julian had known. He had a feeling he had seen them kiss for few times, but he had been too little back then to remember now if it was true or only a dream. (Because yes, he had dreams of them three living together and being happy and his fathers being together and kissing every now and then and Julian always woke up crying, because why couldn't it be true?) He had always thought their love for each other was stronger than his mother and father's for each other. It sounded pretty fun that he would rather have his uncle and father back together than his mother and father, but... It just, it was that he had never thought about it. There had been his uncle and his father, and then there had been his mother, whom he loved very dearly but who was his mother. And he wanted to have his two fathers. He sighed and rubbed at the base of his nose. It really was a nightmare to return to this place, as it only made him remember things he didn't want to remember, as they made him so very anxious. But now he was here and the driver had already disappeared and he had no other choices than go in and show up to his father... (Oops.)

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