Chapter 12- Train Station

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"Where have you 3 been? I sent Happy out ages ago." Erza said. Her eyes trailed over Lucy, Natsu and Day.
Happy and Cynthia glided over and settle onto Erza's shoulders. The red headed warrior studied Day and Natsu."Why are you two wet?"
"Heh, long story! So job request? You wanted to talk about? Is Gray here? Or are we just going to tell stories?" Day said. Cynthia sighed and rolled her eyes, crossing her paws.
"She never learns..." she muttered.
Erza showed the three wizards the request. Gray walked over to join them once they were done.
"So... all we have to do is defeat this dark guild?" Lucy asked. Natsu nodded his and and Gray murmured agreement.
"Hold up!" Day yelled, snatching the paper out of Lucy's hand.
"Why, oh why, does it say 'it might be good to have a distraction'? That's never a good a idea. I'm not being bait again. Nuh-uh. Ya can't make me! Nope!"
Day vididly remember the last time a job request mention a 'distraction'. That amazing plan got her trapped underground for 2 days. With a dark guild. Fun. No really! Fun!
No, she wasn't doing that again for a long, long time.
"Oh, come on, Day! You were brilliant last time!" After Natsu said that, various guild members saw him fly to the otherside of the guild. Ice stuck to his cloths and frost danced arcoss Day's arms.
The pink haired dragon slayer melted the ice and glared at her. Day's already intense glare turned icy. Natsu shrank away and muttered an apology.
"Yeah, sure Natsu! Let's get me underground for 2 days and trapped with a pervy dark guild! Great idea! 10/10!" She yelled sarcasticly and rolled her eyes.
"Yay! Agreed!"
"Ice Dragon Roar!" And Natsu flew out the door via the ice and snow tornado.
"Day...." Cynthia growled at the icy haired girl. She froze and felt a lot of angry and amused stares.
"You know what? Why don't ya tell us about the request outside, Erza? I wait out there now!" And she sped out after Natsu before anyone could touch her.
She got to the door, now closed since it swung shut after Natsu was hurled out. She pushed at it.
"Little problem.... I froze the door." She giggled awkardly.
"Natsu started it!"
A loud booming voice echoed down the stairs at the end of the guild hall. It was calling her name and it was anrgy. Very anrgy.
"Oh god help me!" Day sqeaked and tugged at the door again. Footsteps crunched against thw wooden stairs.
"Oh, hi Master!" Mira chirped, offering him a drink. He declined and trudged his way to the door, where Day was struggled to open it.
The 8 year old heard him walk closer and decided she didn't want to die.
"Ice Dragon Iron Fist!"
Bits of wood flew open and Day ran away as fast as she could. She saw Natsu brushing snow off himself and since he was partly at fault of freezing the guild, grabbed his arm and dragged him away from their raging guild master.
"Ah! What are you doing Day?" The pink haired pyro yelled at her as they ran down the streets of Magnolia.
"You made me freeze the guild! I froze his office again! He's anrgy!" She explained quickly and loudly.
Natsu visibly paled and sped in front of her.
"No! Don't leave me! I'm too young to die! I can't keep up! Carry me!" She leapted onto his back and Natsu dove into Lucy's apartment.
"When did we get here?" The icy eyed girl asked. She wasn't paying much attention to where they were going... just that they got away from Gramps.
"I ran here." Natsu shrugged and sat down on Lucy's bed. Day narrowed her eyes.
"You like Lucy!" She exclaimed.
"Wha..? No! No! We're are just friends."
"Yeah right. 'Friends' that explains why you always barge into her apartment!" She cheered, jumping around the room.
"You sound like Happy!" He complained. Day smirked.
"No, this sounds like Happy, 'You love her!'" She imitated the blue feline. She squished her face together and mocked Natsu who was blushing.
"How long do you think they'll take to find us?" The pink dragon slayer changed the subject. Day stopped her fun and stared at the window. She paled.
"We are going to die..." Natsu out the window. He came face to face with an anrgy Erza Scarlet.
"Do you think she sees us?" Day whispered.
"If we stay still maybe she'll go away." Natsu added.
"Or maybe, you'll deal with us, fire breath." Gray said from the door. Lucy stood behind him shouting about breaking and entering.
"Natsu... They aren't leaving. Are we dead?" Day whispered. Lucy and Gray stared at them. They were still as statues and were facing Erza through the window.
"I think we might be. But just in case, how do you say 'I don't know' without sounding stupid again?" He whispered back.
Lucy's frowned, "we can see and hear you guys.."
"It's 'I hesitate to articulate in fear I may deviate upon the highest degree of accuracy.'" Day murmured to Natsu.
"Ok, time to get back to the guild." Gray lifted up Day easily and hooked her onto her shoulder.
"Oh, come on, Gray! I don't wanns die!" The icy girl protested.
"You shouldn't have froze the place!"
"That is true and your cloths are gone again."
He freaked out and looked down. Day took her chance and tumbled off his shoulder and jogged to the exit.
"You tricked me!" Gray howled at her as she skipped down the street.
"That was the point, Mr Stripper!" She laughed at his face if disbelief. She heard Natsu faintly in the distance. Probably being dragged back to the guild by Lucy and Erza. At least she knew Gray was behind her.
She turned to walk down the street when she heard a high pitched shriek above her.
Her gaze traveled upwards and she immediately wished that sge had ran.
"No! Cinndy!" Furry paws attacked her face. The kit's claws were out and lightly scrathing the 8 year old's face.
Day shoved the cat off her and made a mad dash to the train station.
"I'll wait at the train station for the request! Bye!"
"GET BACK TO THE GUILD!!!" Cynthia flew after her friend.
"You look like a puffy cloud!"

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