Chapter 3

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The shuttle's landing platform lowered on Rugosa, and you took in the sights. Pink corals towered over the stormtroopers, a memorial to the marine ecosystem that once existed here. Your HUD informed you that paleontologists found evidence of Rugosa once being a water moon, with conditions similar to Kamino or Mon Cala.

"Captain, scanners are picking up abnormal amounts of thermal energy coming from underground." informed Fives.

Phasma's response was partially drowned out by the sound of Kylo Ren's shuttle landing.

"Troopers, let's head to that cave. This planet has extensive underground caverns ideal for a Resistance base or outpost." she replied.

Kylo Ren followed the group. You couldn't be sure, but you thought you heard him mutter "I curse the light."

Your group continued, weapons set on kill. Suddenly, a barrage of blasterfire pelted the troopers.

"Resistance! Get out of the caves. Open ground is our best bet for us to not get hit. Set the thermal detonators." You told your squad, even though the rest of the First Order officers were intent to follow your command.

White armor seemed to flood out of the cave entrance, with the exception of a few troopers setting charges.

Once the group was clear, Moon pressed the detonator. The cave was a sudden ball of light, and bodies of Resistance soldiers went flying. But like ants, enemy officers were crawling. You shot one, ducked, punched another, leapt backwards, and shot another one. 

You suddenly heard a 'vzuuummm' and some screaming. You whirled around to see Kylo Ren wildly swinging his lightsaber at the tall corals. Through labored breathing, he was yelling:

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."

The Sith Code, you thought. For a moment, your mind was flooded with a memory you had forgotten.

You were in the library of Starkiller before construction of the weapon had begun. You were twenty-four at the time, and were curious about the old Empire. You looked at the titles on the shelf, which were part of the approved stormtrooper reading material. You reached out to grab one, but stopped. You felt as if you were being watched. You turned to the side and saw a man about your age, dark eyes trained on you.

"Trooper." he acknowledged you. "I sense you want knowledge." He shut his eyes, held his hand out and you felt a presence inside your mind.

"You seek knowledge of the Empire, FN-3371."

Astounded, you replied, "That is true, sir."

"I am Supreme Leader Snoke's apprentice. I have the ability to probe the minds of even the most resolute Resistance officers."

"Your ability is the key to crushing the Resistance and controlling the galaxy. I salute you, sir." Awe radiated from your mind. The man seemed pleased.

He smiled, and it seemed at least partially genuine. "You really believe that?"

"You can extract information from people's minds. Even Resistance. Without you, the First Order will fail. You are to be commended for that."

"Come. I will tell you about the Empire." He told you, still smiling. The next hour was spent with him telling tales of Darth Vader, the Emperor, and the Sith, including the Sith Code.

-Kylo Ren POV-

The light. It called to him.

Yoda's presence, his impression on the Force seemed to fill the area with the filthy light.

He must destroy all Jedi.

To seemingly resist the light, he shouted the Sith Code, the utter opposite of what the Jedi believed in.

Kylo Ren felt a sharp sense of realization come from behind him as coral after coral burned at the touch of his saber. He sucked in his breath. Kylo recognized it in an instant.

"The trooper from the library... it is her." he muttered. 

"FN... 3...3...7....1........." Kylo recited each number of her name carefully, as if he might forget in a moment. 

It was her. The girl who commended him all those years ago. His powers were weak then, so he couldn't use the Force to find her, and he forgot her designation number. He soon gave up on trying to find her again and only thought about the admiring trooper occasionally. In his presence, the stormtroopers would try to find excuses to scuttle off away from him. That was the first time that someone wasn't afraid and actually commended him genuinely.

Kylo turned saw FN-3371, shooting accurately at the enemy. She suddenly whirled around and shot an officer trying to sneak behind the dark lord and shoot him. Kylo had sensed him, but was distracted by the capable trooper. This was the first time he felt mesmerized at a trooper's fighting style. A thought occurred to him.

 Even though she was under Phasma's command, a transfer could be arranged. 

Kylo grinned softly under the helmet. Now all that is left was to put my plan into action, he thought as he stabbed another Resistance officer, ignoring his screams.

(A/N: I told you that longer chapters would come soon! B3 Also picture is Rugosa, which you should know if you took my suggestion and actually watched the show. Hint, Hint: Take my suggestion. Please.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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