Chapter 2

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"You'll never be left Naomi, I promise"

That has to be Tori because I know I must be losing my mind if that's Kani.
When I open my eyes i'm home. I could've swore we were at school at least 10 minutes ago
My phone is charging next to me as always and it's quiet
Was it a dream?

I check my phone and I have 3 messages ( my phone is dry as fuck). I have a message from Akira, the group chat ( me, Akira, Arobi, and Iris) and no surprise Kani. 
I don't know if Arobi and Iris knew what happened. I barley remembered what happened.
I slid to unlock, the cracked screen was rigid across my thumb but I didn't care.

11:13 pm
Iris: wtf  happened to Naomi, the whole school is talking about it
Akira: ik she had a panic attack, she wouldn't  get up I got scared 
Arobi: omg again! Where is she ??
Akira: she's home, me and Kani carried her home and her sister took her and shut the door without even saying thanks. Jeez.
Arobi: she's probably sleeping and we should be to. Gn guys 
Kani and Akira carried me home?
Why would they even do that? They should've just left me there and I would've been fine
Why do they care?
Ugh, let me see what Kani had to say

Kani Kings 
10:06 pm
Naomi? Are you okay ?
10:33 pm 
You passed out on the floor, i-i  got so scared, please tell me your  alright
Please be ok.......
2:46 am
I can't fucking sleep, please answer me

He couldn't sleep because of me. Damn it. I feel bad when I shouldn't. Why would he be worried though, he shouldn't be worrying his perfect ass about me

Naomi Night
4:24 am
I'm fine Kani, don't worry 


I met Kani in art class. That's where this weird bond started.
I was already rejected to the back of the classroom next to the window. Better for me anyways I could stare without anyone looking at me like I was stupid.

When that door opened he walked in clueless as ever, all the girls thought he was the cutest thing ever, especially Comet

I mean to be honest  how could  you not think he wasn't cute. He had those short little curls in his hair, he was a little lighter than me, not caramel but darker, he was wearing a comfy looking gray hoodie, jeans and a good looking pair of white and grey Jordans.

His glasses looked good on him to.

I can't fall for him, what kinda person like me even has a chance........

" Is this seat taken ?"

I looked up and there he was. Standing next to me, not knowing what he just got himself into. I already felt bad for him.

"Hey, new kid. You shouldn't sit next to bipolar over there, she could be contagious"  Comet barked

Meet your average popular whore 
Cheerleading, dating the jock, always has an entourage of girls behind her, dumb as fuck, and always has the nicest clothes. Always.

She wants him, I already know

Everyone laughed and I just put my head down and whispered "sorry" and pointed to the chair  more towards the front, where Comet was waiting.

He looked at the chair then back at me. He didn't laugh at all he was just looking back and forth. And it got dead silent

Then he sat down right next to me and said " I like the view from here better"

I'm pretty sure I was more shocked than everyone else, because  my face expression  stayed the same for 2 periods straight 

Now he was what everyone was talking about.
It didn't help he was new either......


Spring was always a nice time of the year. Besides the allergies it was always my favorite season next to summer and fall. I like winter to but sometimes  it's just to cold.

I was a sucker for sunrises and sunsets.
Almost every morning I would go outside and watch the sunrise before getting ready for school.

Since I was up so early I had to wait, I saw the sun peeking up like it's ready to come up and say hello

I am I happy right now? why I am I even here living, people don't care about me why... why...

I snap back, and wipe tears from my face  when I see a message from Kani
He just doesn't know when to stop, it's 5:30 am for God's sake.

Kani Kings 
Thank GOD your ok, you had me worried 
I choose to be worried on my own I'm just glad your safe.

I wish sometimes he wouldn't do that, then again  I don't 

Naomi Night
Yeah, thanks Kani. I'll explain when I get to school. Gtg 

Part of me regrets saying that.
I should've been more thoughtful
But how ? I can't be sincere via text. Ugh it's whatever I gotta get ready.

I don't want to go to school. I know it will be bad, people staring, whispering and laughing.

But if Kani there I'll be ok. I just gotta cover up these cuts.....

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