Chapter One: New Responsibilities

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I do NOT own anything created by J.K. Rowling such as any Harry Potter creations/characters.
   I sighed as I sat, watching my red panda, Moon-Moon, start eating my cold, left out ramen. As Moon-Moon started munching on the chicken flavored noodles, I heard a soft knock on my front door. I stood up, walking from my kitchen to the front door. I slowed my walking to the front door as I heard the soft knocking again.

   "I don't think she's here mate. If she was then she would've opened the door by now," a male stated with defeat. The man was British from his accent.

   "Impossible! She must be here, the spell ALWAYS works," another male stated with complete seriousness in his voice. He was also British for his accent gives it all away. I zoned back in only to realize that I was at the front door with my hand on the knob. I slowly turned the knob opening the door slowly. When the door was opened enough to where their was a crack in the door I peeked to look at the strangers. I looked at the apparent teenage boys. One of the boys were a ginger and the other was a messy black haired boy. Before I knew it I burst out with my thoughts.

   "I would like to know WHY you're on MY property," I asked the two boys while crossing my arms. The two boys stood in shock. I then looked closely at the two boys. They seemed...familiar. I then realized it was Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter. Soon after my realization my eyes widened. Harry composed himself and waved his hand in my face.

   "Ma'am? Are you alright," he asked with a look of worry. I quickly composed myself, focusing on the people in front of me.

   "Would you like to come in sirs," I asked as I opened the door wider for them to come through. The two boys nodded, walking in with gratitude. I looked at the boys in curiosity to try and comprehend their presence. They noticed this and asked if they could have a drink before they explained. I simply nodded and went in to the kitchen. Once I was in the kitchen, I noticed the noodles from the ramen displayed everywhere. I looked over to the table to see Moon-Moon covered with noodles and his hands stuffed with it. My eyes widened as I focused my attention to the panda.

   "Moon-Moon! WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED," I yelled at the creature. I started to scold the little thing in my motherly mode. I never noticed the boys walk in until one coughed. I turned to the boys with a red tint on my cheeks. They were chuckling at my motherly behavior towards the little being.

   "Oh! Excuse me. I forgot you were here for a second," I said as the red on my cheeks increased. I told them I would clean the mess and I did. Moon-Moon crawled somewhere else to escape my wrath. The noodles were gone and I had given them a cup of homemade butter beer. They thanked me as we sat at the table. They silently drank their butter beer until I interrupted it when I heard a creak from behind me. I allowed my instincts to kick in as I turned around swiftly and grabbed the thing by the throat and slammed it to the ground. I straddled the being as I uncloaked it. It turns out the it was a she. I jumped off quickly and realized it was Hermione Granger. The boys got up, leaving their beverages, to help her.

   "I am so sorry! I didn't know," I exclaimed as I helped her up. She nodded acknowledging my apology. She got up and sat in the chair I was once sitting in. Once we all calmed down and were sitting at the kitchen table a question arose that needed to be answered.

   "Why are you here? I mean just coming here randomly isn't normal," I stated with a sheer look of curiosity and confusion. Harry looked at his two friends as they both nodded at him. He sighed as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

   "Dumbledore sent us here. He said you would protect us from Voldemort," Harry stated as his two friend nodded in agreement. I sat there looking at the trio. Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts when I was a young age. The long, white beard added to his character. A puzzling old man he was. I returned to the conversation as I stated,

  "Does that mean he told you what I am? Do you know who I am?" The two boys looked puzzled but Hermione nodded happily.

   "Oh yes! I simply adore the fandom. Your family is so interesting but not as interesting as you! You're known as Gurly Made Crazy, or Hadectra, the female version of Hades," Hermione stated with a grin on her face. The two boys looked at her quizzically, specifically Ron as his mouth was hanging open. It looked as if the hinges of his jaw failed to keep his lower jaw in place.

   "BLIMEY HERMIONE! How do you know all of that information? The professor told us nothing of the sort," Ron spluttered as Harry nodded agreeing.

   "Before she and I explain let's move to my living room!" So I got up and led them to my living room. The trio sat on my grey couch with accent pillows while I sit on my favorited recliner. When we all settled I started to explain.

   "Okay! Now that we all have settled, let's start with my real name. My first name is Athena. I was named this because my family believed in Greek mythology. They decided that I would be the Goddess of Brains." I caught Hermione trying to interrupt me to try and ask something I know of.

   "And no Hermione, my real family," I stated as she nodded in understanding and allowed me to continue. My last name is Hector as my family was interested in Hannibal Lecter. Yes, the cannibal. The name was fixed for me by my father as he was the dominant of the family. The 'boss' of m-," before I could continue my sentence the front door was heard being slammed opened and it being ripped off the hinges. The trio stood up but I yelled for them to stay down. I teleported to the door only to see a man with his wand pointed at me.

   "WHERE ARE THEY YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD! ARGH," the man yelled as he threw curses left and right at me. The curses all hit me but seemed to do nothing. He screamed in frustration as he yelled the killing curse over and over again. Flashes of colors hitting me for a second and fading the next. I teleported in front of him with a knife in hand and whispered in his ear,

   "SoMEtiMes BeinG ME huRtS YoU," I yelled out as I shoved the knife in to his chest swiftly twisting and turning it to hear the screams from the man. I could also hear the gushing of flesh as I pulled the knife out only to see him fall. I smirked as I bent down on my knees to receive the kidneys of this man. I started carving the kidneys out, enjoying the sounds of his cries and his pleads slowly becoming gurgles as blood fills his mouth. I took his wand in my hands and snapped it shoving it into my pocket. I looked at the fresh kidneys with amazement.

   "Oh~ Jackie boy will like these kidneys! They're so red," I giggled as I stuffed the kidneys in to a plastic container. I smirked as I saw Moon-Moon appear out of thin air to drag the body somewhere to eat. I only hummed in acknowledgement. I walked back to the living room and sat down. The two boys looked at me in disgust while Hermione only laughed at my appearance.

   "I thought you would look bloodier than that," she stated, adding a slight giggle at the end. I only smiled at her reaction. She gets my personality and my crazy fandom.

   "Well now I see the reason why Dumbledore dumped you guys on to me....well this is going to be a problem."

1,405 Words

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