Chapter One

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"Welcome to the team," the administrator stated, urging Allinabrass Cortag forward. She gulped and pulled her hard hat farther over her eyes. Staggering forward, she finally came upon the BLU team. Medic, Heavy, Scout, Spy, Demo, Pyro, Soldier, Sniper and, finally, another Engineer.

"Ya mus' be the new Engie," Sniper noted "Welcome tah the team."

"Pfft," Scout scoffed "Figures they'd send us some pussy chick."

"Aren't zou a 'cheek', Scout?" Spy pointed out.

"Nobody asked ya, Frenchie," she snarled, angrily.

"It's about time they brought another Engineer around here," Engineer stated, offering her his hand "I was starting to feel alone."

"Heh," Brassy smiled, shyly.

"Come on, Kid," Engineer sighed, leading her away "I'll show you where you'll be sleeping." She followed him, in silence, until they reached a small room with a bed, a nightstand, a table and two chairs.

"This is my place?" she raised an eyebrow and set her duffle-bag on the floor.

"Might as well make it comfortable," Engineer nodded "As long as we are in ceasefire, you'll be spending all your time here."

"I'll get it together later," Brassy shrugged "Right now, I say we work on getting me used to the sentry." She smiled, shyly, and Engineer nodded.

"Alright," he allowed, turning to leave the room "Come on."

TF2 - Engineer... Building Up TrustWhere stories live. Discover now