Chapter 3

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Once we got home we decide that we should see a movie. I go through my collection of totally legally aquired movies looking for a good one that I haven't seen yet.

"Let's watch Insidious!" he suddenly screams behind me.

"Definitely not." I say scrolling down.

"Why not?" he pouts.

"I..  just don't want to!" I say trying to not give him the idea that I was terrified.

"Are you scared?" he says poking my side with a finger while laughing.

"N-no! I'm not a kid to be scared." I say defending myself.

"Then prove it. Watch it with me." he says smirking.

I don't answer, thinking about the game he just started.

"FINE!" I say, knowing that I'll regret this decision later. But I couldn't let him think that I'm a wuss.

"Good. Let's make popcorn." he says heading to the kitchen.

I follow him and we make popcorn together. When we're done he goes into the living room and starts the movie.

"Come on already." he says.

"I'm coming." I say sitting on a chair. I wasn't going to watch that movie. I was just too scared.

I hear footsteps and I get up pretending I was looking for something.

"What are you doing?" he says leaning on the door.

"I.. Uhm... I was looking for... For the... Chili powder." Chili powder? Really Teru?

"Are you sure you were looking for the chili powder?" he asks doubtful. "I would say you were trying to avoid the movie."

"Ha-ha. Don't be silly. Why would I avoid the movie?" I say trying to cover the fact that I got busted. "Let's go." I say pushing him out of the kitchen. "We have a movie to watch, right?"

He nods and we both take our places on the couch, sinking in. The movie starts and I can already feel my feet running cold. I was frightened. An hour passed and I was curled up in a ball, screams escaping my troath now and then, and him laughing at me.

"So you are actually scared." he says laughing.

"It's not fucking funny Dan! I hate horror movies!" I say almost crying. He streches out his arm but at the exact moment when his skin touches mine, something happens in the movie.

"Let me gooo!" I scream scared as shit.

"Come here." he says taking my hand and pulling me closer to him. "It's okay. I'm here. Nothing bad will happen to you."

I get closer and I bury my head in his chest.

"I hate horror movies. I'm too much of a wuss to watch it. I've never watched a horror movie before."

"This is the first time?" he says genuinely surprised.

"Yes." I say with my head still burried in his chest. "Come on, watch it. I'm here. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll hold you." he says putting his right arm around my waist. I was feeling protected yet I was still scared.

*Dan's P.O.V.*

The movie was over but I was still holding her. I stretch out my legs, feeling them numb. "I'm going to sleep" I tell her softly. She got up, stretched her body and sighed loudly.

"I'm happy it's over." she says turning around to face me. "I'm never watching a horror movie again." she says her voice cracking. Her caramel eyes were big and they looked scared. Again my whole body was pushing me to hug her. But I couldn't. Instead, I got up and head to my room.

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