Chapter 5

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*Dan’s P.O.V.*

After meeting Teru I  wander the streets until 9:30. I get home all excited, and I tell Phil about what happened.

“I bumped into Teru!” I say frantically moving my hands.

“What? Where?” Phil jumps off of the couch.

“At Starbucks! She just moved here.” I say.

“This is awesome! But she didn’t say a thing, though…” he says looking sad. “Who is she staying with?”

“With a guy named Sam…” I say reminding myself that something was weird.

“A guy? That is weird.”

“I know… She said they’re really good friends and stuff. But it is weird.”

“Yes, indeed. Did you take her number, at least?”

“Yeah!” I say showing him my phone then throwing it on the couch.

I look outside and I see clouds. I go into my room and I sit on my computer scrolling through Tumblr. Lots of pictures with me and llamas and Phil. I get bored so I go into the kitchen. Phil was still in the living room.

“Oh, man. It rains.” I say looking outside the window. “Tomorrow will suck.” I sit next to him on the couch. Suddenly my phone starts vibrating next to me.

Caller ID “Teru”

I take the phone and I answer it.


“D-Dan?” Her voice was shaking. She was crying. And in the background I could hear the rain.

“Teru? Where are you? What happened?” I say standing up.

“I- Something hap-happened. I don’t kn-know where I am. Please, help m-me.” she says sobbing. “I… I see a bank and a big building.”

I instantly run out in the rain. I knew the place. It was pretty close. I run and run, until I see the building. It was hard to see anything in front of me because of the pouring rain. I run through the crossroad and get on the other side. She was there. Standing like a puppy in the rain. All wet and sobbing.

“Teru!” I scream and she looks up. I run towards her and I hug her, protecting her from the rain.

“Dan.” She says grabbing me and holding me close. We hold each other for minutes, letting the rain fall over us. She was still crying. I was feeling her body shaking from time to time. I try to break the hug but she tightens her grip.

“Teru, you’re going to catch a cold.” I say to her kissing her head. “Let’s go home and you can tell me what happened.”

She lets go of me and takes a step back.

“We should hurry.” She finally says quietly so we head home through the rain.

We get home and we find Phil in the doorstep. When he sees us wet he runs towards us.

“What happened? Get in the house now. Oh my god. You guys are soaking wet.”

We get in the house and I push her into the bathroom with a pair of pants, a tee shirt of mine and towels.

“Take a hot shower.” I say and I close the door. I go into my room and I take off my wet clothes trying to warm up my body. After taking a dry pair of pants and a sweater and putting them on I go into the living room where Phil already prepared hot tea for both of us. It doesn’t take much longer and she comes out of the bathroom with her hair still wet but the rest of the body dried. She slowly comes into the living room, heading to the couch. She sits down and looks at the cup of tea that Phil made.

“It’s for you.” Phil says. She looks up to him and gives him a weak smile.

“Thank you, Phil.” She says almost choking on her own words.

“Tell us what happened.” I say while taking of my sweater and placing it on her shoulders. I sit next to her and she starts telling us the story.

*Teru’s P.O.V.*

“I was home, looking for some furniture on the internet, when Sam comes in and says that he wants to talk to me. I get up and listen to him and he says that he likes me. I told him that I don’t have feelings for him but he just didn’t listen. He said something about making me feel how much he likes me. He- he pushed me onto the bed and..started touching me.” I say tears running down my cheeks like waterfalls. Dan comes closer and hugs me, resting my head on his chest. “I managed to escape and I ran away. Then the first thing that came into my mind was to call you.”

“You did well.” He says running his fingers through my wet hair. “You’re not going back there.”

“But where am I going to live, Dan?”

He looks at Phil. They both nod.

“Here.” Phil says. “You’re going to stay with us.”

“No, I can’t. I don’t want to be a bother.” I protest rasing my head off of Dan’s chest.

“You won’t be a bother. In fact, it will be better for all three of us. The rent will be cheaper. And we have a room that we don’t use. It’s yours now.” Dan says pulling my head back on his chest. “It has been decided. Tomorrow we’re going back there to take your stuff. You’re moving in with us.” He says looking at Phil and smiling. “Tonight you’re going to sleep in my room and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

Phil comes next to me and hugs me. I turn around and hug him back.

“Thank you guys so much. I don’t even know how to thank you enough. I owe you so much.” I say still hugging Phil.

“You don’t owe us anything. We just want you to be safe.” Phil says rubbing my back with his hand.

“It’s getting pretty late. We should go to sleep.” Dan says and we all get up. He leads me to his room. He takes his laptop and a pillow.

“Goodnight, Teru.” If you need anything just ask, okay?”

“Yes. Thank you again, Dan. I’m sorry I’m such a mess.” I say sitting on the bed, looking down.

“No, you’re not.” He says sitting down next to me. “Come here.” He says and he wraps his arms around me. “Everything will be fine. You won’t see that bastard again. I promise you. Now go to sleep.”

“Okay.” I say and I get under the duvet. He turns off the light and closes the door. I sink into the mattress, letting the smell of his bed sheets cover me. Dan’s smell… I soon fall asleep.

*Dan’s P.O.V.*

I turn on my laptop and just sit on the couch, scrolling on Tumblr and Twitter. Soon it was 2 AM and I still couldn’t sleep.  I go into the kitchen and take a glass of water. All of a sudden I hear Teru screaming. I run into my room, only to find her crying. I go and hug her and she grabs my tee shirt, holding me tight. I rock her back and forth, rubbing my hand up her back trying to calm her down. When she finally stops sobbing I break the hug and I look at her. Her eyes were red from all the crying. She looked frightened. She hugs me again even tighter.

“Please don’t go.” She says slowly. “Please, stay with me tonight.”

 How can you say no to her? Look at her, she is devastated, Dan. She needs you.

“Please.” She whispers. I hold her like that for another minute and she falls asleep. I lay back on the bed and hold her close. Her head was on my chest and her arms around my waist. Once again, the warmth of her body was calming me. It felt exactly like it did a year ago. Maybe even stronger. All my feelings for her were scratching at the surface, again. Soon I fall asleep too.

A/N: Okaaaay. I hope you enjoy it. :3 Byeee x

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