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I tried my best to not make any sound when Kyle's fist landed square in my jaw, but i didn't succeed, I was pretty sure the whole restaurant heard me scream, but I was hoping at least someone would come in and get Kyle away from me. The pain was unbearable, it felt like my jaw had been run over by a bus, I'm not saying I know what that feels like, but it's what I imagined it to feel like.

As I was clutching hold of my jaw, having a slight hope it would ease the pain which I didn't as it only made me aware at how much blood was flowing out from where my skin split open from the force of the punch, the door opened, I looked up, past Kyle, who was about to give another blow to my jaw, and I saw those perfect brown eyes staring back, with a look of shock and anger.

Brad ran up to Kyle, and as soon as he turned around, Brad punched him in the nose making it bleed instantly, before kneeing him where it hurts. Kyle instantly hunched over and leant against the toilets walls. Bad took this opportunity to grab my hand and pull us both out of the toilets. I was still clutching hold of my jaw in one hand, groaning at the pain. I was too busy trying to get my mind off the pain to realise that Brad was shouting orders at everyone in the restaurant. I slowly took my hand away from my jaw, and the second I saw the amount of blood staining my hand I could feel myself getting lightheaded. The room then started spinning, I was squeezing Brad's hand as hard as I could, I saw him turn around to look at me concern filling his face before I blacked out.


I woke up in a very white and a very clean room, with five people crowding over me. I recognised Brad, James, Connor and Tristan and saw that the fifth person was a female doctor, which must mean that I'm in a hospital. I tried to open my mouth to talk, but the sudden pain in my jaw made me stop. What actually happened?! I put my hand to my jaw, groaning because of the pain. I felt my jaw and I instantly knew it was swollen; I was not looking forward to going out in public.

James took hold of my hand that was free, Brad was stroking my hair and Connor and Tristan were giving me sympathetic looks from the bottom of the very uncomfortable hospital bed. The doctor was writing some stuff on her clipboard when I merely mumbled out, 'How long have I been out for?'

'Only a couple of hours. It is now only 10pm. I would like to ask you a few questions and run some tests and if everything comes out alright you should be free to go home. I'm going to have to ask for you four to wait outside though.' The doctor said sternly to Brad, James, Connor and Tristan. They all nodded and made their way outside of the room. 'Okay, first off, can you remember what happened?' The doctor asked me.

I squinted my eyes shut, hoping that it'd make me concentrate more. I remembered that Brad asked me on a date and we went to a really nice restaurant. I then remembered what happened afterwards, my hands instantly flew over my mouth. I was really wishing that it was a nightmare and that I didn't have an encounter with Kyle. I told her all that I remembered that happened and she nodded. 'Well, you haven't lost your memory from the fall and you seem to be in good condition. You are free to go after you have signed the discharge papers in reception.' The doctor told me, smiling.

'That's great. Thank you.' I told her, trying to manage a smile. The doctor simply nodded and then made her way out of the room. I was still in my dress so I tried to flatten and straighten it out before dragging my fingers through my hair to tame it a bit. There wasn't anything that I could check my reflection in, so I then made my way to the door which I was about to open until I heard people shouting.

I put my ear right up to the door trying to catch exactly what they were shouting at each other as the rooms were quite soundproof so people can't hear what's going on in the room and the people in the room can't hear what people are saying outside, but if you press your ear close enough to the door, you can hear what people are...shouting.James was shouting at Brad. I knew that because he was saying how Brad promised that he'd keep me safe and let nothing happen to me. It was not brad's fault! I quickly opened the door as soon as James bellowed, 'I SHOULD'VE NEVER ALLOWED YOU TO TAKE ISABELLA OUT.'

'STOP IT!' I cried, all four boys looking at me. 'It wasn't Brad's fault! It was Kyle's fault! How was Brad supposed to know everything about what happened with me and Kyle? How was he supposed to know that Kyle was going to stalk me into the bathroom?! He didn't know and neither did I, so don't blame him!' My voice was getting even louder throughout the rant, nearly shouting at the end. I could tell that I was as red as a tomato, and that didn't help my look with a swollen jaw and probably really messy make up. They all had a confused expression when I mentioned that something happened between me and Kyle, 'I'll tell you when we get back to our place.' I told them, making my way to reception to sign the papers.

After the papers were signed, we all piled in in James' car, with me in the passenger's seat and Brad, Connor and Tristan got in the back. No one had said anything to each other after I shouted, so the atmosphere in the car was really awkward. James wasn't too sure on the situation, but I definitely think that he feels guilty for blaming and shouting at Brad. I could tell that Brad wanted to say something to me as I got him out of that situation with James but he could tell that I really didn't want to talk. I was dreading telling them about Kyle to be completely honest. I went from being in a really bad place, to a good and then to an even worse place.

Too soon we arrived home. I went straight upstairs to have a shower and feel refreshed, dressing in a pair of pyjama shorts and a plain tank top before making my way back downstairs. They were all sat down on the sofas, so I sat cross-legged on the floor in front of them all.

'Kyle is my ex-boyfriend.' I started. 'I was in a really bad state. I was always by myself and I got bullied for being in a care home. When I was thirteen, everything got on top of me and I started self-harming, that's why I always where bracelets.' I told them holding my hand up. 'I also self-harmed after what happened with Kyle, but I'll talk about that later.' I kept my head down not wanting to look at their reactions, so I just carried on telling them what happened. 'After my fifteenth birthday I started hanging out with the "cool people" and did small crimes. Once I realised what state I was in and how messed up I was, I met Kyle. He helped me get out of the state I was in and he earned my trust. Little did I know how stupid I was.' I told them all with a harsh laugh at the end. 'We were together and we did what any couple would've done when they were "in love".' I did the quotation mark thing with my hands when I said in love. 'Anyway, Kyle always had in his head that I was cheating on him. First he started slapping me on the odd occasion. It then quickly progressed that I remember all too lividly when he beat me up so much that I stayed in the same place all night. I managed to cover everything up; make-up and baggy clothes was what stopped people from noticing.' I still hadn't looked at any of them. I took a deep breath before carrying on. 'One night I went back to the care home, very late, hoping to sneak in, but Jenna- my old care worker- noticed me and saw that I had a bruised eye and made me explain to her about what had happened. She ended up telling the police and Kyle got a tracker thing so he couldn't get anywhere remotely close to me. That's how we ended up here.' I lifted my head up to look at everyone's expression; they all had sympathy and shock in them. 'He wants revenge.'

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