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Isabella woke up at about 4 o'clock in the morning and she seemed completely fine which was a big relief to me as I didn't have any sleep because I was so worried about her. I was annoyed at Isabella for sneaking out, I was even more annoyed at Brad because he went along with the sneaking out plan, but most of all, I was annoyed with myself as I should have seen it coming.

We were currently at home after Isabella had been discharged from the hospital. The doctor told us that she was able to go home as long as she didn't do anything active and she didn't move around much. So we were all at my house, including Tristan and Connor, just talking and watching Spongebob (Isabella's idea)! I swear she's watched every single episode ever made of that child's programme!

'I'm bored, can we do something else apart from watching Spongebob all day.' I moaned as I was pretty sure I had watched this episode two times already as Isabella wouldn't stop watching it. Tristan and Connor nodded in agreement, but Isabella and Brad were cuddling with their eyes fixated on the TV. I sighed, got up and turned the TV off, which caused them both to look at me with shocked faces; Isabella recovered first and started glaring at me. If looks could kill...

'What point are you trying to make?' Isabella said in a deadly calm voice, eyes never leaving mine.

I offered her a slight smile before being blunt and replying with, 'We're all bored of watching Spongebob, how about we play a few board games or something?' I asked, I loved board games especially because of the fact I always win them.

As if she was reading my mind Isabella placed a slight smirk on her face. 'Fine, but I'm warning you, McVey, you'll never beat me.' I didn't take notice of the threat as I always beat the boys, so I was pretty sure I could beat Isabella.

'Let's get the board games out then!' Connor said in his Davey Jones' voice, causing Isabella to giggle, before heading out the room. He soon returned with a stack of games including Twister, Monopoly and Scrabble, placing the stack of games on the floor before setting up Monopoly.


Isabella's statement wasn't exactly true. She had won at Monopoly and Twister, but I had beaten her at Scrabble so I didn't loose completely; at least not as bad as the other boys. After playing a few other board games it was around 6 o'clock so we all decided to ask each other questions so Isabella could get to know everyone better and they could get to know Isabella better too.

We had asked a few questions when Isabella asked if any of us had girlfriends. Connor and Tristan replied a 'no' in sync, whilst I just nodded my head. As soon as she saw me nod my head, her eyes lit up with the new found information before she bombarded me with questions.

'What's her name? Is she nice? When did you two meet? How did you two meet? Can I meet her? Why didn't you tell me this before?' The questions kept flooding in. I was about to make her shut up when Brad beat me to it by kissing her.

'Can I speak now?' I asked her, raising one eyebrow, she answered with a nod. 'Good. Her name is Sarah and you will be able to meet her really soon.' I told her, smiling at the thought of her; she was the most beautiful person in the world.

Isabella opened her mouth, about to say something when she was interrupted by the doorbell. I sighed, standing up going to get the door as I was the closest.

I opened the door and was met by a pair of muddy brown eyes. Stood there was a women who looked in her mid forties with a 5'7" frame and slightly curly dark brown hair. 'Hello, I'm here for Isabella.' She told me, giving me her biggest smile, showing her blinding white teeth.

'Isabella! Someone's at the door for you!' I shouted, my eyes never leaving the woman's; for some reason I didn't trust her at all. Isabella came in and stood right next to me.

'Urm, and you are?' Isabella asked, looking quite confused.

'You can't remember your own flesh and blood?' The woman answered back with a slight smirk playing on her face. Isabella then started to frantically shake her head, tears spilling out, her hand covering her mouth. She looked so shocked and scared. I quickly shut and locked the front door on the woman who looked happy with Isabella's reaction, before heading straight towards her, bringing her into a hug.

'Who was that?' I asked, needing to know why she was so scared. Even though I had a pretty clear idea on who it was, I needed to know for certain.

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