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All rights reserved © Ellimay


Squinting into the midday sun, I looked over the large double story house before me. Taking in a breath, I picked up the cardboard box at my feet and walked down the short path to the already open wooden door. Inside there were mountains of boxes, all with different names and handwriting scribbled on their sides. From what I had heard, four new students were moving into the housing complex over the next few days; including myself. 

Looking around the large room my eyes immediately fell on a welcoming L-shaped couch. Quickly stepping over, I placed my box on the coffee table a few steps away and sunk into the grey cotton. Smiling ever so slightly I looked around the room once more. My brown eyes picked up on a mostly empty bookshelf and a few other recliner chairs that were slightly different shades of grey. On the wall to my right was a brick fireplace with framed photographs resting on its shelf. From my position, I adjusted my glasses and squinted to try and make out what the photos were of. 

"You interested?" a chipper voice spoke from behind me. 

Looking around I was met with another pair of brown eyes. She seemed slightly older than myself, and her hair was hidden in a beanie except for some loose brown strands. 

"These are all yearly photographs of the tenants," the girl explained merrily. "They've been doing it since this home was made into University Housing," 

"You seem to know a bit about the place," I replied softy. 

"I moved in last year," the girl grinned, stepping over and holding out her hand. "I'm Jasmine Rogé, but you can call me Jaz. I'm studying Music here at the University," 

"Sophia," I responded, taking her hand and shaking it. "Studying nursing," 

"Oh a nurse?" Jaz asked, "We've got a good group of people living here this year. We've got someone studying science and someone studying high school," 

"I'm not studying 'high school'," a deeper voice sighed from behind us. "I'm studying a Bachelor degree in Secondary Education," 

"That's high school though right?" Jaz grinned, "It's practically the same thing," 

Looking over my shoulder, I noticed a boy around my age standing at the bottom of the stairs. He sighed wearily and ran a hand through his blond hair before he readjusted his black trimmed glasses that framed his silver eyes. 

"It's not, but whatever," he muttered before meeting my gaze. "You just said your name's Sophia right? I'm Hamish Vladimish; yes it rhymes, my parents thought it would be amusing," 

I gave a gentle nod which he returned before turning a corner into another room. 

"Don't worry about him too much," Jaz smiled, "He seems a little rough, but he's a nice bloke," 

"How long have you known him exactly?" I asked her. 

"About two days," 

Before I had a moment to make a comment on that, I heard something crash outside. Jasmine and I shared a quick glance before quickly making our way to the front door. Looking out onto the paved path, I saw yet another boy around my age wearing a Star-Wars t-shirt and baggy jeans picking up the contents of a dropped box. Jasmine and I headed over and helped him pick up the little bits and pieces that had fallen out onto the lawn and path. I couldn't help but notice that most of them were from rather popular fiction. 

"I'm really sorry to trouble you," the boy stuttered as he hurriedly put everything back into the box. 

"Don't worry about it," Jasmine smiled, placing the things she had picked up into the box. "We'll be living together for a while so it's good to help each other out," 

I nodded at her statement and handed the boy some more things that I picked up. When our eyes met he smiled gratefully. 

"Thank you," he replied kindly, scratching the back of his red, messy hair. "I'm Anthony by the way," 

"He's the one studying science," Jasmine pointed out with a grin. "You guys might get along. Sophia here is studying to be a nurse," 

"Is that so?" Anthony asked. "My older sister is a nurse, it's a good profession," 

I smiled gently at his comment, glad that Anthony seemed like a nice guy. 

I've picked a good place to stay, I thought to myself as the three of us headed inside. I know I'll like it here.  

Later that afternoon, I headed upstairs with my box and decided to settle into my bedroom. I was given one with a window facing the street so the late afternoon sun shone through the window, lighting up the space. It was a relatively small room, but still managed to comfortably fit in a single bed, a desk, a slim bookshelf and a cupboard. With a soft smile on my lips, I opened my cardboard box and began taking out all of my books. 

As I was placing them neatly in the bookshelf, someone opened my door and stepped into the room. Freezing; the both of us starred at each other; my brown eyes and his silver ones staring awkwardly, unsure of what was going on. 

"I'm sorry, I think I got the wrong room," he suddenly said, turning around and leaving.

Puzzled, I walked towards the partly opened door and poked my head out into the hallway. I watched as the silver-eyed boy walked into the room across from me. Before he closed his door though, our eyes met once again. 

"Sorry," he murmured. "I'm, uh, Blair," 


"Nice to meet you," 

"You too," 

With a little nod, we both closed our doors. Walking back to my bookshelf I couldn't stop thinking about that awkward encounter. His greyish-brown hair and silver eyes had given him a rather cold look, though his voice seemed rather kind. 

I can't figure him out, I thought to myself as I put away my signed copy of Kill Order beside the other books in its series. But he doesn't seem like a bad guy

After another hour or so, I had finished arranging my room just how I wanted it. Dropping down onto my bed I let out a soft, contented sigh as I looked out of my window. Finally, I was stepping towards my dreams. I was going to help people, and hopefully make some memories along the way.


Hi everyone! 

I've started working on a new story that I'll try to work on regularly (though, let's be honest. It'll end up like It's Complicated where I rarely update D: ). 

I am really excited for this story though! So I hope you all enjoy it :) 

Dedicated to Fireheart101 for the cover! :) Thanks girl xx

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