Chapter eight

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Evalynn ( fifty minutes later)

After witnessing two car accidents, colossial skyscrapers, multiple bicyclists, and more than a handful of exotic looking platns, we drove into the front enterance of Collbine Boarding Academy. The iron gates were intimidating and the lawns were well taken care of. It reminded me of a high class and prestigious university. The main hall was partially covered on its north side. The boys dorms were alined on the left side of the main hall and off to the right was the campus accessed pool area. The pool was crisp, clear, and sparkling, all of which tempted me to jump right on in. To the back end of the property was the girls' lodging area. Even farther back from that was a small pond with a few benches scattered about it along side a paint-chipped gazebo. It was inviting, which was something I had only hoped for. Dad parked in the lot off to the side of the girls' dorming house. 

We stepped out of the Subaru stiffly and looked around the premises. There was not a sound other than the call of birds and the rustling of palm branches. We began to unload the back of the car until we stopped short from the sound of a womans voice, "Hello! Evalynn dear, how was your trip? Well I hope?" she was a stocky woman in a pencil skirt, a red ruffled blouse, and pointed alligator skin heels.  Her dark brown, nearly back, hair was pulled up high in a tight bun. "Yes! Well, minus all the traffic." Her laugh was loud, on the edge of being considered obnoxious. Dad and I gave eachother a look of humorous concern behind her back as she continued, "Well, Collbine Academy is glad to have you attending here and I personally am glad you made it all this way safely. Now," she opened the doors leading up to the rooms. "I'll try to make this brief. You will be sharing a room with another student. You will be able to accomodate to your taste when it comes to decorating your living quarters. Next, we will not tolerate any form of drug or alcohol or any type or illegal activity. We do perform random drug and breathalizer tests." "Well I won't have anything to worry about then." I said. "That's good to know! On weekdays, you will be asked to be up, ready, and in the dining hall by seven o'clock. You will have the next forty-five minutes to eat, socialize, and begin on your way to your first hour class." Sounds great," dad gestured to the brass label on one of the doors that read forteen, "I don't feel like I have to worry so much now." "I assure you Mr. Ross, your daughter will thoroughly enjoy her stay here as well as being kept in good hands here at Collbine." I rose my hand slightly over my head for acknowledgement, "Uhm, I have a couple questions Miss..?" She had never even introduced herself. "Oh, how rude of me to not formally introduce myself. My name is Mrs. Olben." she smiled. "Mrs. Olben," I continued form where I left off, "I happened to notice a pool, when is that avalible?" "The pool is open to the students everyday excluding Mondays. Mondays, the janitors test and shock the water and clear any type of debris that may linger in it. We try to keep it has clean and sterile as possible." she explained. "And when are students able to leave the property, to go shopping or out for a troll for instance?" I really hesitated on this question in particular. Her face softened as if she could see my tension, "Students may feel free to leave campus after school as long as they are back in their dorms by ten o'clock p.m.." I nodded and walked into my new living area.

Picture: The gated pool overlooking the boys' dorm accommodations.

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