New family

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Hello my name is Alannah, I'm 16 years old and I live with my mum and dog, well that's all about to change.

So, basically today me, my mum and our puppy Libby are going to be moving house. This is all because my mum is getting married to so guy called Brad and he's 21. I have never met this guy before or even seen a picture. My mums 41 that's 20 years difference which I think is pretty gross.

I am currently laying in my bed all dressed and ready to go but my mum isn't she's panicking because the moving men aren't here yet. So, in wearing my black leggings with my new crop top which just cover my bra. It's a new top that my best friend Katie got for me. She knows me so well. I have only just started wearing crop tops and leggings because I have lost a lot of weight and have now got a flat stomach so I don't mind showing my body of. (A/N. You don't need a flat stomach to wear leggings and a crop top. If you feel comfortable in yourself go for it. This is just because of the character and you will learn it a bit later on.)

"Alannah the moving men are here. Time to go sweet heart". My mum called up the stairs. I got my purse, phone charger and headphones and shoved them into my bag. I walked downstairs and got a bottle of water of the side and an apple and went to the car. I picked Libby up and put her in the back seat with her seatbelt and climbed into the front of the car. I got my phone out and plugged it into the car and started playing ACDC. About 5 minutes later my mum came out and got in and started to drive.

Daddy? B.W.SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora