What do i do?

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"Alannah?" He questioned. And with that I picked Libby up and ran as fast as I could.

I thought it was over but apparently it was to be continued.

Ethan was here which meant so was Grayson.
Grayson's POV
Alannah. What is she doing here? How did she find us? Does she still think of us? Why did she run? All these questions were running through my head as I took in what Ethan had just told me, I looked over to my twin brother Ethan to see him smirking at me.

"Hey Gray. You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked nudging my shoulder.

"Ummm. No?" I asked so he would tell me what he was thinking.

"Let's find her and show her that we have changed and we are completely new people, so that she trusts us again then she's ours again."  He said with evil smirk plastered on his face. The difference is I have changed and he hasn't. I'm not that dickhead anymore and want to apologise to her for everything I put her through.

Alannah's POV
This is bad, this is really bad. I finally reached my new home and no one was in thank god. I place Libby down and look out the kitchen window and they didn't follow me for once. They were meant to be in my past, they were meant to be in prison for what they have done. I go up to my room get undressed have a a quick shower to clear my head. I get out and put on a cute little dress and sit at my dressing table to do my hair. I brushed it and let it have loose on my shoulders and go downstairs. I go into the living room and Brad was sitting down on his phone smiling, porn I thought. I sit down on the cuddle chair in the corner and he looks over to me and smiles.

"You ok there babe?"  He questions I'm not his babe.

"No." I said blankly looking at him.

"What's up?" He asked as if he cared. Do I tell him about Ethan and Grayson. He might be able to do something. All these sort of thoughts were going around in my head.

"Nothing that concerns you." I said and got up. As I was going to the kitchen the door bell goes setting Libby of. I walk to get the door and pick Libby up to stop her from attacking the person on the other side.

As I open the door I look up and see the two people I didn't want to see. "Hey" they said so Cooly like nothing had happened. Brad comes out of the living room and wraps his arm around my waist. For some reason I like it, it's comforting? 

"Can I help you fellas?"  Brad asks staring them down coldly. Does he no them?  Does he no I no them?
Heyy guys sorry I have updated in like a year I think just forgot about this story. I no it's a short chapter but I don't feel this story anymore. If you want me to update then let me no please. As I feel like no one even reads it.

What do you think the deal between Grayson, Ethan and alannah is. Let me no what your thoughts are.

Make sure to follow me on twitter @alannah_peyton

If you want to be mentioned in the next chapter comment your twitter name so I can see if your following me and I'll give you a shout out. Peace and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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