Chapter 2 - Into The Darkness

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3rd Person P.O.V

The two dragons rushed into the dark woods. Rashae opened his mouth slightly as a fire flickered to life. It burned in his mouth and set a dead, fallen tree branch alite. Slyph picked up the burning stick of wood and she said while holding the branch in her mouth, "Thanks, now come on, bro!"

They wandered aimlessly throughout the vast seeming woods. Rashae was dragging his tail in apprehension and stayed on his toes. He was excited, yet nervous, but on the other hand, Slyph was brimming with excitement and energy when it came to visiting the dark, eerie woods.

Rashae's P.O.V

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder every now and then. The feeling off dread loomed over me, but I tried my best to shrug it off. "Don't know... Where ever the wind takes us!" She replied cheerfully as she hopped over a rotting log. The fire flickered in the air, and she landed on her feet and kept going. We walked through the darkness in utter silence, only hearing the crunch of dead leaves beneath our feet. This went on for hours.

Well, that's what it felt like...

I don't keep track of time that well 😩...

I let out a sigh and finally, Slyph broke the silence by muttering, " Ever wondered why Cypholus left...? Maze seems rather lonely without him." To he honest, I never put much thought into it. I mean yeah, it was strange for him to up and leave his sister. I felt kinda bad for Mazekeen, she wasn't the same without her other half. She wasn't the same without her brother...

Why did he leave?

That single question raced through my mind as answers followed, but I pushed the worst ones to the back of my mind. " Yeah," I finally replied. "I do wonder why he left so suddenly, but then again, it is his choice. So, I'm not gonna question it really."

"Some things are best left unanswered.."

Slyph looked over at me with her vibrant eyes, glowing in the dark like the slowly dying fire. " Well, I guess your right. Oh well, anyways..." She gave a mischievous grin while holding the torch. "Can we do something stupid... Again?" "Hmm........"


"But why!" She whined. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Because last time this happened, we almost lost one of Cypholus' weapons. And we almost got killed if we did..." I stared blankly at the ground while my tail dragged still. "And I'd like to be alive for another few years at least...☺"

"Sure" Slyph smirked slightly and nudged me with my tail as we chatted aimlessly in the woods as the fire was dying out still. We never noticed the dying fire, nor the danger of it all.

Oh boy...


Sorry for the short chapter I'm really busy with drawing and school and shiz so sorry X<

Anyways if you liked it don't forget to leave a vote and comment on what you think.
Thanks for reading and BAI!!!!

~Kat~ ('・ω・)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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