Just On The Phone

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Aaliyah P.O.V.
Once we got home Aisha put the bag and her keys on the counter and fell asleep on the couch. I went upstairs and went into my bedroom I decide to take a shower and just chill for an hour or so. When I got out the shower I had put on a long sleeve crop-top and tights and hopped into my bed just thinking about my day.
***25 minutes later***
" Poetic Justice put it in the song..." My phone was ringing but it was an unknown number I wonder who the hell calling me cause if I don't know these people I'm going to go off.
"Hello? Who the hell is this?" I asked rude as I can be.
" Well dam somebody seems upset. And this is Lucas the guy you met in Walgreen's." Lucas said chuckling Dam his voice was just so .... Words cant even describe how his voice sound right now.
" Oh sorry I just didn't know who you were I usually just answer rude when there's an unknown number." I said
"Its ok .... What are you doing ?" Lucas said.
"Nothing much just chilling what about you ?" I said
" Just watching sponge Bob and talking to you beautiful." Lucas said I blushed so hard my face was red or pink.
" You know we should chill sometime you know get to know each other more." I said trying not to scream cause of the fact he called me beautiful and right now I feel so special.
" Sure maybe sometimes this week or next week we can chill." Lucas said
" Fine by me as long as my best friend down with it." I said smiling hard. Then I heard background voices sounded like other people were in the background.
" Aye I'll call you or text you later on ma" Lucas said he was moving around cause he was moving around so much.
" OK ." Was the last thing I said before Justin hung up the phone
"AAAHHHH I'M SO HAPPY" I screamed with the pillow covering my face so I won't be that loud to wake up Aisha I turned on the t.v and watched bad girls club. I seen Aisha at the door looking grumpy as hell.
" What's wrong with you ?" I said sounding innocent and trying not to laugh.
" You know what the fuck is wrong with me why in the hell are you screaming so loud ?!" Aisha said she sound so Angry she gave me that I'm going to kill you look in 2.5 seconds.
"You better run in when I count to five cause when I get my hands on you just know you might be dead." Aisha said In an evil tone. I got up and ran downstairs in the kitchen and hid behind the refrigerator. I heard footsteps come in the kitchen and Aisha was coming close I had to hold my breath and try not to move.
"Aaliyah .... were are you ... I can hear you breathing you know." Aisha said above a whisper she was getting closer and when she was I couldn't hold my breath in for long so I jumped out and try to run pass her but fell.
" Ouch my arm". I yelled Aisha got on top of me and we started play fighting. "Didn't I tell you I was going to get you.!!" Aisha said As she was laughing " Wait I gotta go pee come on get off of me." I said I was making up a lie so I can run . "Nope I am not going to fall for that lie you just want me get up and I'm not going to." Aisha said Know I have to act serious now. "Aisha I'm not playing with you get up before I pee on myself ...NOW!!!" I said in a serious tone. "Ok ok dam I see somebody's on there period." Aisha said sarcastically and playfully rolled her eyes at me and got up I dusted my pants off and took five steps and looked back at Aisha and said " Haha got you bet you can't catch me now can you ?" I began to run up the stairs as fast as I could and I heard Aisha said " You can run all you want but you can't hide from me" She yelled Chasing behind me I hurried up and went into the bathroom in Aisha's room and closed the curtains and laid down in the tub and held my hand over my mouth and looked up at the celling try not to breathe at all.
***5 minute's later***
"Aaliyah hurry up downstairs Somebody is here to see you" Aisha yelled coming upstairs I had a feeling she was lying so I just stayed in the tub trying not to breathe once again. She looked in her closet and in under her bed I heard her say above a whisper" Ima find this Lil girl and when I find her she going to get it." Aisha said Then that's when she cut on her bathroom light and looked in the cabinet and looked around and she moved the curtains aside and looked down and screamed. " Dam Liyah you scared the living shits out of me." Aisha said looking terrified all I could do is laugh at her, after awhile of playing I was getting hungry. " Hey Aisha you hungry cause I know I am." I said sounding tired as hell." Yea let's go get something to eat and comeback to the house oh yeah I gotta work tomorrow from 6 to 11 ." Aisha said

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