(Chapter 1)

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~Emma's POV~

"Bring me the prisoner!", I said while sitting on my throne

Several men entered the room, they were holding my "father" with handcufs so he couldn't escape

"Its nice to see you too sweetheart", he said

"You know exactly why your here, now tell me, were is she?", I said

"Where is who?", he said being sarcastic

"You know who! Where is my sister!", I said

"Why? You don't know?", he said

"This isn't a game", I said

"If he is irritating you my men can send him back to his cell your highness", said Chief Sullivan

I checked my watch to see that it's almost time for Henry's Birthday party, he was turning 15, so I had to make this snappy

"Alright Chief, you can send him back to his cell, not because he's anoying me, but because I have to make it to my friends place, we'll pick this up tomorrow", I said

"Take him away boys", he said

~Afew Minutes Later~

I finally make it to Henry's place, I then saw the Birthday boy in the kitchen talking to Sidney and Oliver, at least they stopped eating bugs, thank God

~Henry's POV~

"Hey Hen, look", said one of the guys pointing at a blonde girl

"Emma?", I said walking to her

"Hey", she said shyly while pulling a piece of her hair behind her ear, she looked so cute with her red dress that reached to her half legs, her red heels, red lip stick, and red hairband

"You look cute", I said

"And you look handsome", she said while turning red

"So, how did it go with you and...", I said

I didn't want to mension her dad since she's already going through a rough stage in search for her sister

"He still won't tell me where she is, and I'm worried", she said

"Well don't be, me and Ray will help you", I said

"Hey Emma", said Char

"Hey Char", I said

"Can you reduce the heat on my chicken please?", she said

"Alright", she said

Wow, ever since she got caught up with finding her sister she barely used her powers

"Hey Emma, can you come with me to my room for a second?", I said

"Sure", she said

~Emma's POV~

This better not be what I think

When we got in, he locked the door, my heart was beating like crazy

"So, what did you wanted to talk about?", I said

"About you", he said

"What about me?", I said

"We've been together for a year, a solid year", he said

"And?", I said

"And I wanted ask you this", he said

"Emily Goodman, will you be my girlfriend?", he added

"Yes", I said

Then he kissed me, kissed back, and it lasted for about seven seconds or over, I didn't care how long it took, it was the happiest day of my life

Then there was a knock on the door

"HENRY!!!", yelled Piper

"Not now Piper I'm busy", he said

"With what!? Making out with your girlfriend!?", She yelled

"Uhhhh no I was just....", then she kicked open the door

"Well well what do we have here?", he said

"Piper did you just?....", I said

"Not now! Henry Jasper is wearing my shirt", she said

"Why would he do that?", said Henry

"He' s impersinating me infront of his friends! !", she said

"Piper its your brothers Birthday, and it's the one day of the year were you can't yell at him", I said

"Oh, don't forget about Christmas and Easter", he said

"Right, now Piper, I don't think you should...", but she threw me to the ground, hard

"Piper, did you just..." he said

"If you don't go down there and stop Jasper, you will wake up withought your face on your head!!!", she said

"Piper its illegal to hurt the ruler of Swellview", he said

"So what's gonna happen, cops are gonna show up out of nowhere?", she said

Then from Henry's window, his front door, and the airvent came several policemen

"Your under arresr little girl", said a policemen

"Hey! What for!?", she said

"Its illegal to hurt the ruler of Swellview", he said

"Hah", said Henry while helping me up

"Well how can you tell if she got hurt?", she said

"There's a pain-o-meter bracelet on her arm", said the same guard taking her away

"Henry!!!!", she yelled

After they left I let him sit down

"I am so sorry that thos happened", I said after kissing his cheek

"Nah its fine, how long will she be in jail for?", he said

"3-4 days", I said

"Well, fine by me", I said

"So, were where we?", he said

"I think we were right here", I said before giving him a peck

After a few minutes I went downstairs, I needed to see Uncle Ray and Aunt Becky

When I came in, I saw only Aunt Becky

"Hi Aunt Becky", I said

I just hope she wasn't mad at me

I expected her to say something like why couldn't you keep it under control, or not walk towards me and just shun, but I didn't expect her to hug me

"What was that for? I thought you were still mad?", I said

"No, I realized that you care so much for friends, your family, and mostly Ray, Charlotte, and Henry, so I believe you did the right thing, even though it was an accident", she said

"I'm glad you feel that way, but I'm still wanting for my dad to just tell me who my sister is", I said

Then it hit me

"Wait, you were there on the day I was born Aunt Becky, you must know something", I said


So this is what I have right now, and I know its a month past Jaces Birthday, but I thought I'd wish him, so happy late Birthday Jace, I didn't get time to wish him since I had writters block, and I hope you all understand

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