(Chapter 7)

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So as I said in the previous chapter, Emma is not in Swellview right at the moment, she is in another place, somewhere in the future, take Macomb Valley for example from the book "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

Also these flashbacks will be from the characters POV's

Plus there will be little swearing in this, I suggest if you don't feel comfortable with it, then you don't have to read it, the vowels will be sensored

~Emma's POV~

I remember nothing. All I can remember was the pain he gave me on the day we broke up, before I ended up in this little urn. Then I noticed the gloves that were covering my hands, along with the dress I made on the day I created my ice palace. I took the gloves off, and I used my powers to destroy what trapped me

Then I left the place where I last ended up in

~After walking for about 10 miles~

I haven't walked this much since I ran away to Swellview two years ago, but this wasn't compared to how much I walked, believe me it was way worse then this

When I came to a little town, I saw a sign that said "Welcome to STORYBROOKE"

"STORYBROOKE" I read out loud to myself, as if I was whispering to someone, but a little louder

Then I heard the sound of a truck coming close to me, before it could hit me, I shot ice at it. When I looked up, I saw what I did. I cannot go living through hell again after last year

So I ran into the town, and found a place where to rest

~Flashback from the past~

"Why did you call me?", said Henry

"Didn't you hear? Another unknown murder took place", I said

"Oh! Right", said Henry

"Any luck finding out who did it yet?", I said

"No, not a clue", said Henry

"Well, did you find out how the two victims where connected?", I said

"Yeah, me and Ray found out that they worked together at some factory, we found out that they didn't have any run-ins with family, friends, and nobody else", said Henry

"Henry, that's not the only reason why I called you over", I said

"What other reason did you call me over for?", he said

"Because I think I know who did this", I said

"How?", said Henry

"The strange black mark that was showing on their vanes, I was told it wasn't caused by any poison from a needle, and it didn't look ordinary, more like magic", I said

"Who did it?", he asked

"Veronica", I said

"But that's impossible, you punched that b*tch off the boat and we never saw her again after that, she wasn't even confirmed dead, just missing", he said

"Yeah about that, I should have told you this, but after she fell into the river, I saw some men fish her out, then they opened up this portal to some realm, and took her with them", I said

"Emma, if you knew about this why didn't you tell me or Ray?", said Henry

"Because I want to find this place and the people there myself cause I believe that maybe the people there could help me find my sister", I said

"Emma, I understand that your willing to find her, but I just don't get one thing, why did Veronica kill those men? And what does that realm got to do with anything?",said Henry

"Maybe those men she killed were from the realm, maybe they were trying to stop her", I said

"Ok that, that does make sense, but why were they trying to stop her? That's the big question", said Henry

"Maybe Veronica wants the crown again, or maybe more than just the crown", I said

"Ok you make excellent points there, I have to go and warn Ray, we'll think of a plan, meanwhile you stay ere and don't go anywhere till we call you", said Henry

"I will, I promise", I said, then he left

~Flashback over~

It was early in the morning, I was hungry, and had nothing to eat, the only thing I could provide for myself were snow cones but I didn't have any plastic cones or food coloring flavored water to add to it

I went outside to see what has become of the truck

I saw so many people there, the two men who where in the vehicle, a blonde woman who I think is the sherif since she had a base and a gun, a man who looked a little older than her, who I assume was her partner since he too had a gun, and a black haired boy who looked like my age

The two men told the sheriff that a girl shot ice out of her hand and froze the truck, and for some reason, they believed them

Usually people would go to an asylum for saying crazy things like that, when I took a little peep at what was happening, one of them men looked at me and said,"look, that's the girl who did it!"

When the sheriff, her partner, and the boy took a glimpse at me, I started running, and they ran after me

I ran into an ally, and then created a huge ice monster, marshmallow obviously, the people of the town started screaming and called it a monster

It was fear that was causing me to attack them

Because of the little amount of wind I created, I saw a newspaper fly into my hand, and on the front cover I found a man with a necklace of a snowflake that looked like the one I gave to my sister, since I already found her, but I don't remember much

I saw the place where he worked, so I had to wait at night

~Time skip~

Once it was dark everyone went to bed, it's been a while since the old man locked the place up, so I went over to the doorknob and froze it

I entered the shop and saw so many things in it, it obviously was an antique shop, I just came to get the necklace, and get out

When I found it, I knew my sister had to be here, I don't know how but somehow she ended up lost again, so I will find her

"Don't worry, I will find you, I promise", I said while looking at the little snowflake that was on the necklace, then left


So I hope you all understand that she is in STORYBROOKE, and this is going to be in my own version, it has been so long since I've seen the Frozen episodes of that show and I don't think i remember much on how it began but I'll try


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