Homicidal Lui

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it all started one night, the night that Jeffrey Woods completely freaked out and killed her parents and her beloved brother Liu Woods. Jeff stopped being the boy who was and became a soulless monster and pure desire to kill. But, really he had his brother Liu died after receiving multiple cuts and stab wounds?

No, I survived the attack on my brother, barely as a vile worm, bleeding to death every centimeter that ran, I felt like my heart broke for the effort, however, resisted eager to live, go to Jeff. Then everything went black and I fainted.

It took a long time to wake up. He was in a fairly lit, full of tubes and medicine room. Just felt my body, I could not speak, could not eat, I fed through a tube, breathing through an artificial lung, she could barely make out who I was; I only heard a doctor talking to a nurse: ".. This patient may not survive, needs many transplants, his left lung collapsed, his heart is very delicate and kidneys are failing is almost impossible to survive" Those words took me all hoping to survive what had happened to me.

The day came where I would transplants needed, and as he could not speak yet and was quite sedated, I could not express my joy at that time, so I saved it for when I recovered. The nurse greeted me: "Hi, I'm Susan, I wish you the best of luck. You are very strong, barely survived that assassination attempt. I personally wanted to take care of you because I admire your strength. I wish that when you leave the hospital ever get out. "He kissed my cheek and blushed. He could not deny it was a very beautiful girl, but did not know if he would live this.

The time has come, the time where you decide if you would live or die. The doctor told me that as a young very strong and had survived a long time, was likely to survive. I put the mask and I fell asleep, but why even felt what they did to me? At that moment, I felt like a cold blade that pierced my heart aside. The first cut was the most painful, then something opened my skin, the pain was more intense with each passing second, every cut was more painful than the last, but the most painful thing was when they began to cut my heart and out of my body . That moment was just the beginning of my torture, hours of excruciating pain, every cut, every part of me that replaced, each suture, all the pain through my body destroyed what little sanity I had left, until it shattered.

They spent days in that bed unable to move, unable to speak, just listening to the voice of that nurse. Susan was with me day and night, talking to me, telling me to resist, he wanted me alive, really wanted to meet and hoped to talk to me and hear my voice. A week passed and she came more often, came and sang to me, I read, but one day, before he could move my body, I whispered. "Now I want you to wake up" He kissed me to finish that sentence and I began to feel my body, I managed to open my eyes and I could admire her. She wept for joy when he saw me awake. "Hi Susan, I'm Liu Woods." She was stunned. "Really, you are ... brother Jeff Woods? He was here a while. It was very bad, I heard that went berserk and killed his family, how is it that you survived, Liu? I also knew that 3 days ago kidnapped a young and burned alive with bleach and gasoline, then escaped from there and has not been seen, but at home, or what remains of it, there are no more than 2 corpses. It is rumored that she survived but did not know what happened to the corpse's brother Jeff.

Homicidal liu by beautifulsurgery-d7dv13a.png

Some said it took him, but in the room where his brother slept, or where you were sleeping, found written in blood on the wall "go to sleep" and in the bathroom written "smile" in the mirror. I very much regret the death of your parents, seriously, and as I do not think you want to return to that place, would you want to sleep over at my house for a while? Well, when you leave recovery, I live alone since my parents died in a car accident, so spare me a room. "

I accepted the offer of Susan: "When I leave here, I want to take you to dinner, wherever you want, I just need one day to accompany me to my old home to get my clothes, but I do not think it's still there." He accepted with some fear. The following day she visited me every day, we laughed together, we were very close, almost seemed we were a couple, so I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said, "Yes, Liu, I want to be your girlfriend, I was going to ask, but did not know how." He approached me and we kissed. I was so happy, things were fixing to me, I was a person who would be my new family.

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