Slender brothers

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The Slender Brothers

Hi! Probably all people who open this page will know who is Slender Man: a tall man, dressed in a tuxedo and white skinny that kills children. Many of you will say "But it's already heard! I know all about Slender Man! I saw the pictures, videos, cosplay ... I know him like he was my neighbor!" And I will answer "Yes, I know that you know him well, you've seen the photos, videos and maybe you've even tried afraid to enter into a forest ... but are you sure you know everything, just everything about him?"

I will want to talk about one thing that few know, I want to talk of his family, namely his three brothers!

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1st brother Splendorman
2nd brother (Sexual) Offenderman
3rd brother Trenderman
1st brother Splendorman Edit
appearance Edit
Splendorman is the older brother of four, while Slender Man is the youngest. Like the latter, he is tall and thin, with a pale complexion, with the exception of the rosy cheeks and black hands, the tentacles on its back end with bells. Unlike Slender, it has a face ... or at least has two blacks holes for eyes and an equally black mouth devoid of teeth. His clothing consists of a black jacket with colorful polka dots under a white shirt, in the door head and a cylinder instead of a tie, he has a red bowtie.


character Edit
You could say that is the exact opposite of Slender Man. Initially began as Happypasta (parodies of Creepypasta, present only in England and America): he loves to entertain, his are not victims, but viewers! Give flowers, entertains with dances and magic shows and likes to make people laugh and laugh in turn. Has the same powers as his brother, like teleportation, interference in electronic equipment, but if Slender manages to hypnotize the children are his tentacles, he can make people feel happy and worry free! A nice version of Slender, you might believe!

Actually it seems that he and his brother had strong disagreements: the cold character and Slender Man murderess came in contrast to Splendorman. A Splendy fact, did not like Slender kill the children, so he started to take them away, to save them!


This did not like Slender and it seems that among them there was a serious battle. We all have a hidden side that we try in every way to crack down on, why it was during this battle that Splendy showed for the first time his other side, his darker side and hidden ...

It is not known which of them has won: some say that only one of them survived, others both, some neither ...

Game over splendorman version by gothicraft-d6trcxu.png

2nd brother (Sexual) Offenderman Edit
appearance Edit
As Slender Man is tall and white, but rather muscular, its tentacles are white and almost always has his mouth curled into a sly grin with sharp teeth. Door wearing a hat and Benavidez, he kept wearing a dark gray trench coat, pants, high boots and a strictly blacks tie, occasionally even with a cigarette in his mouth. It is said to have a voice so warm and sensual to drop at his feet all his victims, who are women.

Sexual offenderman by aqilesbailo-d68jy82.jpg

character Edit
As I said before his victims are girls, specifically those between 14 and 20 years. To capture the charms with her voice, attracts them with flattery and advances until he manages to bring them closer, then offers them two roses: a blue and a red. If you choose the blue one, the victims will be killed instantly, but if you choose the red one, first on poor unfortunate decides to vent his faded carnal and then cut his face. Therefore, his full name is Sexual Offenderman. If you choose both rose, he will take the place in which he lives (a ruined castle in the woods), and causes you to die slowly and painfully, because it is sadistic and loves seeing his victims suffer.

Offender man by shadowsneko-d6t8q8d.png

The few who have managed to escape from there or are there still come back, maybe with someone (police, police etc.) Or were saved because Offenderman never chooses the same victim more than once. It is said that the union between the sweat-producing girls during intercourse and blood when cuts his face, create a purple liquid on which it feeds. But there is a possibility of salvation: if you do not accept any of the Roses, he will let you go and will never come looking for you.


His story tells that once had a heart and he was a guy who went to school, fell in love with a girl, but she and his other companions teased him because he had not the face. When he managed to declare himself to the girl, she refused, saying that no girl could love such a monster! From that day Offenderman decided to change his life: "If I do not love her ... I love all the others!" He went to live in a ruined castle in the woods and let herself be consumed by hatred and darkness; He made a pact with the devil, who granted him a fascinating and hypnotic voice that allowed him to draw to itself only the girls, becoming Sexual Offenderman.

3rd brother Trenderman Edit
This is definitely the least known of the four. Actually originated from a photo: a guy walk into a clothing store, saw a dummy with the appearance of Slender Man, but dressed differently. He was wearing a tan sweater under a white shirt, beige pants and black All Star, so he called Trenderman (the union of the word Slender Man with Trendy).

Trenderman by fudgebiskets-d5rf1bq.jpg

It is not known whether it has powers of some kind, but you know that is an expert in fashion and trends and often tries to convince Slender Man to change his way of dressing, which he considers "passed."

Now that you know that there are four different Slender Man, I hope you will do the most attention when you enter a forest!

Autors Note: "I'm not exactly sure how many the slender brothers are there but im sure the original brothers are 4 its Slenderman, Splendorman, (Sexual)Offenderman, Trender. but ive read there's a new brother his name is Surrender and im not sure where to get his original story."

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